Us kids always sat in the living room where Grams had set up two long tables. Even though most of us were grown, we still sat out there to this day. This year, though, Georgie was to my left and Morgan was to my right.

The meal was traditional. Christmas ham and turkey with homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, rolls, and every kind of dessert you could think of. Cherry, apple, and pumpkin pie. Brownies, about six different types of cookies, fudge, peppermint bark…it was endless. That was because every year Mom, Aunt Kaylee, Aunt Timberlynn, Aunt Merit, and Grams all had a baking day. They spent the entire day baking different treats to put in containers for family and friends. The leftovers were put out on Christmas Eve. It was Ryan’s favorite time of year because he was always invited over for Christmas Eve lunch, and Grams would pack up all the leftover desserts for him to take home.

“Ryan, must you talk with your mouth full?” Morgan spat out.

Ryan looked across the table at Morgan and frowned. “I wasn’t even talking.”

“You were. Bradly asked you a question, and you answered with a big ol’ bite of mashed potatoes in your mouth.”

Looking confused, Ryan turned to look at Bradly who shrugged. “All I said was ‘yep.’”

“With your mouth full.”

“Then stop staring at me while I eat, ya creeper.”

Morgan set her fork down and glared at Ryan. “I wasn’t staring at you.”

Rose coughed and covered her mouth with her napkin. Morgan snapped her head over and shot Rose a dirty look. “What?”

“Nothing,” Rose quickly said as she reached for her glass of water and took a sip, most likely to hide the smirk on her face.

Letting out a huff, Morgan picked up her fork and got back to her meal. I looked at Ryan and nearly lost it laughing when he smiled and winked at Rose.

Georgie leaned in and whispered, “Is there something going on there between them? The way they look at each other…”

I shook my head. “Not that I know of. But it’s pretty clear they like each other.”

“You’re okay with that? Your best friend having a thing for your baby sister?”

Nodding, I wiped the corners of my mouth. “I know him. Trust him with my life. I’d fully support it—if they both ever got their heads out of their asses.”

Georgie giggled.

After we all helped clean up, it was time to open gifts. To say Georgie was overwhelmed by the noise and the chaos would be an understatement.

“I can’t keep up with any conversation!” she said over the chatter in the room. “How can anyone think in this?”

Grinning, I took her hand and kissed the back of it. “You should have seen it when everyone was little. One year they tried to get us all to take turns opening gifts, so that each family could see who the gift came from. By the time we got to Avery Grace, the other kids had lost their patience. I swear to you, wrapping paper went everywhere! Toys flew across the room as we dove back under the tree for more. Tanner used to play Santa and hand the kids their gifts, but he actually had to dive out of the way when Nathan came running at him full speed to grab another present. To this day, no one knows how the tree didn’t fall down. That kid face planted right into it.”

Georgie let out a laugh. “I can only imagine. What will it be like when the kids start having kids?”

A warm sensation moved through my body as I looked into her eyes. “I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out.”

Red spread across her cheeks, and she looked out over the room. Everyone was finished exchanging and opening gifts, and Morgan made her way over to us. She flopped down on the sofa next to my chair and sighed.

“I’m exhausted.”

“Too exhausted for my gift?” Georgie asked.

Morgan sat up and smiled. “You already got me that beautiful silk blouse and scarf.”

“This is another gift.”

Morgan winked. “Because I’m your favorite. I get it.”

I rolled my eyes as Georgie chuckled. “Grab your jacket, and we’ll meet you out by Blayze’s truck.”

My sister jumped up so fast I nearly broke my neck watching her move.

“Give me five minutes!”

I stood and reached for Georgie’s hand to help her up.

“I have a feeling she’s excited,” Georgie mused.

Watching my sister hurdle over Josh and Nathan, who were sitting on the floor playing with Gram’s new chocolate lab, I nodded. “Just a little.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Morgan? Are you going to say anything?” I asked as she stood in front of the building on Main Street that would hopefully house our boutique.

Tears streamed down her face while she simply stood there, staring at the sign in the window that said something new was coming soon.