“I’ve seen that look before,” a female voice said from behind me. I smiled and turned in my chair to see Lincoln standing next to me watching her son and niece. “What look is that?” I asked.
She turned to me, silently giving me a questioning look that asked if I really wanted to play dumb.
“That look of longing on your face directed at my son.”
My cheeks burned, and I fought the urge to press my hands to them to cool them off. It was a chilly fall day, and I’d wished more than once I’d brought a heavy jacket. Especially as the sun went down.
Lincoln continued on as she looked back out toward Blayze. “The first time I realized I was in love with Brock…”
“Oh, I’m not in love with Blayze!” I blurted.
She raised a brow, and when I pressed my lips tightly together, she went on.
“I didn’t want to admit to anyone that I had feelings for him—let alone myself. He was so grumpy, and we’d initially gotten off on the wrong foot.”
“You and Brock did?” I asked.
She laughed as if remembering the moment. “Yes. He was a real jerk to me the first time we met. But there was something about him that struck me, and I had to know more about him. Maybe it was his eyes, or the broody way he had about him.”
Glancing back out at the street dance, I nodded. “They do have some beautiful blue eyes in the Shaw family, don’t they?”
Lincoln nodded. “That they do. Anyway, I was so scared. Not only was I new to Hamilton, but I was finding myself attracted to a man who I wasn’t sure felt the same way about me. A man who kept everything locked up inside. Breaking down walls with Brock Shaw was very hard. I’m going to guess Blayze is a chip off the old block.”
I chuckled. “I’d say so.”
She looked back toward the dancing, and I was surprised by her change in subject. “Blayze told me you’re leaving and heading to London. Morgan is green with envy.”
“I wish she could come with me.”
“I’m sure she does as well. How long will you be over there?”
“Not long, a few days, or maybe a week. Just long enough to make sure everything is set up for the interview. The designer wants her own photographer to do the photos, so I need to meet with them the day before the photoshoot. Then I’ll do the interview the next day.”
“Do you always have to be at the photoshoot?”
Shaking my head, I replied, “No. But Vogue wanted me there to watch since the designer isn’t a model and has never done a shoot before. She’s pretty new to all of this, and has shot up in fame rather quickly. She’s young, too, my age, so I think the magazine wants to make sure she’s comfortable with everything. This is her first big interview since her designs have gained popularity.”
“How did they? Gain popularity, I mean.”
“The Princess of Wales has worn three of her dresses in the last few months. She’s exploded since then. Everyone wants to wear her designs.”
“Ahh,” Lincoln said knowingly. “It only takes one person to blow up a career.”
“Or take it down.”
I could feel Lincoln’s eyes on me. I wasn’t sure why I’d made the comment. Something in the back of my head was giving off warning signs that I couldn’t ignore. Sports Monthly had let the whole Shaw interview go too easily when my father had told them I wasn’t writing the piece. Something felt wrong. I’d had my father’s lawyer check my contract with them, and I was legally able to cut ties and walk away from the assignment since I hadn’t been paid yet. But since they’d been pushing for the interview so hard, it seemed strange they’d let it go so quickly.
“What about Blayze?” Lincoln asked.
Turning my body to face her, I asked, “I’m sorry?”
Lincoln sat down in the chair next to me. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the two of you are together.”
“We’re not–”
She put up her hand. “Something changed at Stella and Ty Senior’s anniversary party. But I’ll be the first to admit that I saw it in Blayze way before that. The moment you came to town, I saw a difference in my son. When he didn’t think anyone was watching, he’d watch you. He fussed about you being here at first, but anyone with eyes could see he wasn’t very heartbroken about you staying at the house with him.”
I blinked rapidly and opened my mouth at least five times to say something, but nothing came out.
“A blind man could see that the two of you are attracted to each other. Everyone sees it, but you both need to let your guards down and be adults. Talk about the future and what you both want.” She paused. “Brock told me about your conversation regarding the magazine. Blayze hasn’t mentioned to him that Sports Monthly knows about what happened with Lindsay.”