“Maybe you should…”
My words floated away as I stared at his perfect bow shaped mouth. His perfectly soft and plump bottom lip had my heart beating ten times too fast.
“I should what, Georgie?”
My body relaxed, and I realized I was leaning into him. He cupped my face in his hands, looking directly into my eyes. “Tell me,” he demanded softly.
“You should kiss me. Yes, you should kiss me right now.”
He smiled, and I felt my knees go weak. I reached up and held onto his arms.
“I’m going to kiss you now, Georgie.”
“Oh, God,” I breathed out. “That’s what you said the first time you kissed me.”
And then he was there. His mouth pressed to mine. It was soft at first. Then his tongue swept over my lips, and I opened to him. The moment our heat mingled, the kiss deepened. He tasted like mint and honey. The kiss turned passionate, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, reaching up to feel more of the kiss. More of him.
So many nights I laid in bed and thought about those moments behind that barn. The kiss. The feeling of his hand between my legs. Thought about what it would have been like if our fathers hadn’t caught us. Thought about what it would have been like to give myself to Blayze.
“Georgie,” he gasped as he pulled away long enough for us to catch our breaths. Then he was kissing me again.
I sliced my fingers through his thick dark hair and tugged, causing him to moan and open to me more. I was greedy. I wanted more. God, I wanted so much more.
Blayze lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved to the front door and pulled his mouth away long enough to see what numbers he was punching into the keypad. As soon as the door opened, his mouth was back on mine.
Then I was on the sofa. I lifted his shirt up and over his head. His hand went up my shirt, pushing my bra out of the way to expose my breasts to him. He moaned at the sight and took my nipple into his mouth.
I cried out his name as I arched my body into him. “Blayze! Oh God.”
He sucked harder, then gently bit down before he pulled away and blew on my nipple. My body was on fire. The pulse between my legs was like nothing I’d ever experienced before.
“I want you,” I said as I fumbled with the buttons on his jeans.
“Fuck, Georgie. Not on the sofa. I’m not making love to you for the first time in my living room.”
Before I could answer, the sound of a vehicle pulling up and a horn honking caused us both to freeze. Blayze stared down at me and I looked up at him. I could tell he was as disappointed as I was.
“It’s Morgan,” he said. “She told me she was coming over. Tonight is my grandparents’ wedding anniversary. I totally forgot about it.”
I closed my eyes and groaned as Blayze quickly got off me and reached for his shirt. I sat up and adjusted my bra.
He stretched his hand down and helped me up. With a smile, he pulled me to him and kissed me once again. He stepped away just in time, leaving me lightheaded as the front door opened and Morgan came bounding in.
“Hey, guys!”
Glancing between the two of us, Morgan stopped and looked at me. Her eyes swept over my disheveled state.
“You look…”
“Tired?” I said with a laugh. “I’ve been working on the ranch with your father and brother. I think their goal is to kill me.”
Morgan laughed. “You poor thing. We’ve got a lot to do before tonight!”
Looking at her, confused, I asked, “What do you mean?”
Morgan turned and faced Blayze, who had walked over to his small bar and was standing behind it as he made himself a drink. I was positive he was over there trying to hide the bulge in his jeans.
“You didn’t tell her that Grams and Granddad invited her tonight?”
“Invited me where?” I asked.
Blayze downed the glass of whiskey, then set it on the bar. “I just got home, Morgan. I’ve barely had a chance to even talk to Georgie yet.”
Spinning around to face me, Morgan looked like a kid in a candy store.
“My grandparents are celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary today. I brought a couple of dresses I want to wear, and I was hoping to get your thoughts on them. I thought we could get ready together.”
“Morgan, Georgie might be too tired to go.”
I shook my head. If it meant spending more time with Blayze, then I was down for it. “I’m not too tired. I love an excuse to get dressed up.”
Clapping her hands together, Morgan let out an excited scream. “Great! I’ll go get my stuff.”