My eyes met his.

“Thank you, Blayze. Today has been a lot of fun.”

He tipped his hat. “I’m glad. I had fun too.”

We walked a bit more while I loved on Bullet, and he continued to graze.

I suddenly realized that we’d been out here for a long time. “What time is it? I’m supposed to help your mom!” I said as I reached for my phone in my back pocket. “Oh my gosh! I’m going to be late now. And I still need to get back to your place and shower.”

Blayze reached up and helped me down. “She’ll understand if you’re a few minutes late.”

We quickly made our way back to the barn and said our goodbyes. The moment I got in Blayze’s truck, a wave of tiredness washed over me. The more the truck bounced on the country road, the more my eyes grew heavy until there was nothing but darkness.

Chapter Twelve


I went to say something to Georgie, but when I glanced her way I saw that she was out. She let out a small snore, and I smiled. She must have been exhausted if she could fall asleep within five minutes of sitting down in the truck.

My mind drifted back to early this morning when I had gotten up to get breakfast ready before we’d left for the hike. I’d gone up to her room, figuring she’d need a few wake-up calls if she was anything like my sister Morgan. If I wanted her to get up early I had to start waking her up thirty minutes before we actually needed to get ready.

When I’d heard soft moans coming from Georgie’s room, I’d snuck up and put my ear to the door. That was when I’d heard the vibrator and Georgie’s mews of pleasure. It had taken every ounce of strength I had not to burst in and ask her to let me finish the job the right way.

Smiling, I tried to picture the moment she’d threw the toy. I’d heard it hit something in the room or bathroom. Then her excuse that it was a book nearly had me laughing my ass off. I deserved a fucking Oscar for keeping a straight face during all of it.

Okay, push all those thoughts away, Blayze.

My phone buzzed and I glanced to see Liz had texted. I nearly groaned as I hit ignore.

Once I parked, I quietly got out of the truck and made my way around to the passenger side. After softly opening the door, I gently shook Georgie on the arm.

“Georgie, we’re back at my house.”

Her head snapped up and I had to press my mouth closed, so I wouldn’t laugh at the drool running down the side of her face.

“Wait, what?” she cried out.

“We’re at my place. You fell asleep.”

Those sleepy green eyes looked at me, confused. “I fell asleep?”

“Yep,” I said with a nod. “Need help?”

She took my hand and slid out of the truck, stumbling a bit until she got her bearings.

“Wow, that hike must have really worn me out,” she said with an embarrassed chuckle.

“Or it was the reading all night.”

For a moment she looked confused before she remembered her lie. “Right. The book. So good.”

“I bet it was,” I mused as I stepped away from her.

She tilted her head for a moment before she turned and faced the house. “I better hurry so I’m not too late to meet your mom.”

And with that, she went racing off to get as far away from me as she could.

After thirty minutes and nothing from Georgie, I headed to the room she was staying in. As I went to knock, the door flew open. My eyes nearly popped out of my head at the sight before me.

“You look beautiful,” I said before I could stop myself.

She glanced down at the overalls she was wearing along with a long-sleeve white T-shirt. When she looked back up at me, her cheeks were a soft pink.

“Thanks. I figured I should be comfortable since we’ll be baking.”

I smiled when I saw that she’d put her hair up in a ponytail. The look reminded me of the girl I fell for so many years ago.

“We should go,” she said, pulling me back to the present.

“Right. After you.” I motioned for her to walk first.

As we walked downstairs, I noticed how Georgie’s head kept tilting forward. It was clear she was still trying to fight off exhaustion.

“Georgie, if you’re tired, I’m sure my mother will understand.”

“No! I’m fine.”

But it turned out Georgie was more tired than either of us realized. She started off strong with my mother as they made pastry dough together. Then she sat down to roll out a crust as I poured Mom’s homemade cherry filling into a pie dish.

“Blayze?” my mother said calmly.

I turned to look at her. “Yeah?”

“What did you do to this girl?” She pointed to Georgie, who had her head down on a pie crust, fast asleep.