I nodded. “What’s on the hook?”
“It’s a piece of copper coated with rubber so neither of us gets hurt.”
Not realizing I was holding my breath, I finally let it out.
“I’m going to pull it through the eye just enough to where it won’t come off,” Ty continued. “It’s not tight or hurting him in any way.”
“Okay,” I said.
“Next, I’m going to put this dummy on him. It’s a seven pounder and has a latch that this pin will go in once we get it around his body.”
I looked at the silver box in Ty’s hand that was the dummy. “How does it come off?”
Ty held up a remote. “By hitting a button. Now I’ll put this on just like I did the rope.”
I watched Ty ease the dummy onto the bull’s back. He pulled on the rope and got it tight enough to where it wouldn’t fall off when the bull bucked.
“This is the quick release pin that goes in the flank and attaches by making a handle with the rope.”
He pulled the rope and made a couple of loops.
“How long do you let him buck?” I asked.
“We ease him into longer times. With this guy I’m going to let him go for six seconds.”
I could feel my heart starting to race with excitement.
I watched Ty let the bull out. I saw the bull buck like crazy….and couldn’t help but smile.
“And you increase the weight over time?” I asked Ty.
He kept watching the bull as he kicked and turned. “Sure do. Then they move on to riders.”
“What was it like the first time you got on a bull?”
Ty smiled. “I was scared to death and excited at the same time. No matter how many times I got in the pen and crawled onto the back of a bull, the hair on the back of my neck stood up.”
“I bet,” I said with a chuckle as I watched the bull finish his round and run through another gate to the back pens.
“It’s crazy,” Ty explained. “You don’t really hear anything or anyone. You’re so focused on that bull and staying the hell on.”
Smiling, I watched some other men I didn’t know move another bull into the chute.
“Do you like being on this side of things?” I asked.
He nodded. “I do. It’s like raising race horses, but they’re a lot bigger and a lot meaner when they want to be. They’re athletes, and they’re treated like kings.”
“Yes, ma’am. They’re bred to be winners. I’ve produced more champion bulls than any other bull company.”
“Wow. That’s impressive.”
He tipped his hat and winked. “I know.”
Laughing, I turned and nearly tripped on air. Blayze stood there in a long-sleeve, black button-up shirt, jeans, and—Lord above—chaps. I’d watched old footage of him riding in high school and college, but seeing him standing in front of me dressed like a full-fledged cowboy was entirely different. I tried to ignore the throbbing between my legs.
“Wow, you changed.”
He smiled. “Can’t ride a bull in my hiking gear.”
“No,” I said with a shake of my head and a nervous laugh. “I guess not.”
No wonder women threw themselves at the man.
“Okay,” Ty said, “he’s a little over three, Blayze, and you’re the second rider on his back.”
“Fun times.” Blayze walked over to the pen where suddenly about six guys had appeared. Ryan and Bradly among them.
Bradly was putting the flank rope around the bull that was used to enhance the natural bucking it would do to try and get the rider off. Turning to look at Blayze, I saw Ryan helping him put his helmet on.
I focused back on Bradly and watched him put the bull rope around the bull’s chest, which was what Blayze would hold on to.
Blayze put on his gloves and climbed over the pen. Hunter was the flank man, meaning he would be adjusting the fit of the flank rope. Out in the arena was a younger kid I’d never seen before, who was clearly going to be the gateman. He’d pull the gate open when Blayze gave him a nod.
Blayze rubbed rosin on his glove and then up his rope before drawing the rope across his hand a few times and getting a good grip on it for his ride.
The bull acted up a bit, and Ty put his arm out in front of Blayze to steady him and keep him from hitting the side of the pen. I forced myself to breathe as I watched the whole thing play out. My heart had never hammered so hard in my chest before. It wasn’t like I’d never watched Blayze ride a bull. I had the last summer I was in town. But somehow it was different now. Back then he’d seemed so…fearless.
My breath caught in my throat. “I can be fearless enough for both of us.”
One nod from Blayze and the gate flew open and out went the bull. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep my gasp in.