Blayze chuckled. “Well, it looks like it was worth the climb for her. How about you?”

Glancing back at the beautiful view before me, I nodded. “It was so worth it. Thank you for bringing me up here.”

“You’re welcome. It’s one of my favorite places to hike, especially for that sunrise.”

As I looked all around me, I exhaled. “I see why. It’s stunning.”

A few other people soon joined us on the mountaintop to take in the view. Eventually the clicks of cameras replaced the sounds of nature, and I found I missed the peace of it all. Whispers turned louder, and that romantic moment disappeared.

Romantic moment? Was that what it had been? It certainly had been for Lance and Candace. And Blayze had held my hand as the sun came up. A gesture I hadn’t thought much about at the time, but now seemed to consume my every thought. Well, that and how I wanted to slap my hand over a lady’s mouth who kept saying over and over how high she was and how sick she felt.

“Ready to head back down?” Blayze asked. “There are a few stops we can make if you want to soak up the fresh air. Did you bring your book?”

My cheeks instantly heated. “No, I wanted to be in the moment.”

He smiled a brilliant smile, and I felt my knees wobble a bit.

“Then how about we make our way back down and grab some breakfast before we set off on another adventure?”

“Another one?” I asked with a weary laugh.

“This one will be easier, I promise.”

Returning his smile with one of my own, I replied, “Then let’s go grab some breakfast.”

We ate breakfast in a darling little café in the heart of Hamilton. Afterwards, we strolled down Main Street, and I took in the charm of the town. I had been so young when I visited before that I never really understood how beautiful Hamilton was. Fresh flowers hung from baskets on lamp posts every few feet, and some stores had benches out front that were flanked by more flowers. Most stores had fall decorations out, and I found myself breathing in a deep breath as we walked.

“What do they do when it turns too cold for plants?” I asked as I pointed to the hanging pots.

“They’re replaced with decorations.”

I turned around in a circle. “What a charming little town. I don’t really remember it, even though I was old enough to.”

Blayze glanced around the street as well. “It is charming. I don’t think I’d want to live anywhere else.”

“Really? You’ve never had the urge to be in a bigger city?”

He laughed. “College was enough city living for me. I’ve always been happiest on the ranch. Always will be.”

I nodded. “You’ll stay on the ranch even when you marry and have kids?”

“Hell yeah. Hopefully I find a bride who’s down for being a rancher’s wife.”

“Your mother seems to enjoy it.”

Blayze smiled as if fondly thinking of his mother. “She does. She works as an interior designer, which I’m sure you already know. She only takes on a few clients now and doesn’t work as much as she did before. I used to love sitting in her office and watching her with all the swatches, and seeing how she put colors and patterns together. She has a real talent for it.”

“If her home is any indication of her work, she’d be highly sought after in Dallas.” I chuckled.

“I bet she would.”

“May I ask you a question, not off the record?”

He shrugged.

“How does your mom feel about your brother riding bulls?”

“I’m not sure. You’d have to ask her.”

I nodded. It was going to be like pulling teeth to get Blayze to talk to me. But then he surprised me and went on.

“I’m sure she worries. I would think any mother would. But my mother would never let her fear dictate what her children did with their lives.”

“No,” I said with a soft smile. “She doesn’t strike me as being that way.”

Blayze stopped and motioned toward a store. I glanced up. Chapter One Bookstore.

“A bookstore!” I said.

“I figured since you were up late last night reading, you must be a book lover.”

My face instantly heated as I nodded. “I love to read.”

“So do I.”

I gave him a wink of my own. “I remember that conversation we had in your room about the romance novel.”

“That’s right. I can do more than ride a horse and be handsome.”

Rolling my eyes, I laughed as he opened the door to the bookstore for me. We walked around for a while in silence as we both picked up and flipped through different books. When I glanced over at Blayze after a bit, he had a few books in his hand.

I was about to walk up and ask him what books he’d chosen when a woman around our age came into the store and saw Blayze. She smiled and made a bee-line straight for him.