Zade’s fingers curl around the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as Sawyer looks like he’s going to be sick. I can only imagine the conversation he had with his father, let alone what else he must have seen down there.
Cross though, his knee is bouncing, anxious about this stupid shit we’re about to do. He’s usually the calm one, the one who has his shit together. But without Venom curled around his hand, his security blanket is stripped away. Don’t get me started on their fucked-up relationship. I’ll never understand it, but for some reason, that snake calms him and helps him escape the monsters living inside his mind.
We pull up at the secure storage locker, and Zade enters the code into the keypad, each of us watching as the massive metal door slides back, granting us entry. As we walk inside, a thrill sails through my body. I fucking love coming in here. It’s the best kind of grown-up playground.
The whole room is decked out with weapons. Every type of gun under the sun resides here, along with knives, tranquilizers, grenades, and swords. Hell, there are even spears, cannons, crossbows, and sniper rifles. But my absolute favorite, the one thing that really gets me hard, is the motherfucking tank that stares back at me. Something tells me we won’t be needing that bad boy today, which is unfortunate. I can’t wait to drive that thing, and when the time comes, I’m going to be as happy as a pig rolling around in his own fucking shit.
We grab some bags and start filling them with everything we might need, and I make sure to add a few extra grenades. I doubt we’ll run into many people, but there are bound to be a few walls we’ll need to break through. Cross backs the Escalade into the storage locker, and I toss in a pair of industrial bolt cutters while Sawyer grabs the Jaws of Life, hoping like fuck that’s all we’ll need to bend the bars of her cells. Oakley is small. All it’d take is a slight bend in the bars for her to slip through them, but the question is just how hard is it going to be to make that happen?
To be on the safe side, Zade places an industrial-sized grinder in the back, making sure we have every fucking base covered.
I meet everyone’s eyes. We’ve gone headfirst into much worse situations, but nothing that has such high risks. “We good?” I question, hoping like fuck we haven’t missed anything. “Because once we’re in there, we’re not coming out without her. There are no second chances.”
Cross nods. “We’re good. Let’s fucking do this.”
Chapter 7
My hands shake as I pace my small cell, the constant drip somehow even louder through the night. I lost track of time long ago, but if I had to guess, I’d say Sawyer’s been gone for at least three or four hours. When he said he’d come back for me, I knew he would keep his word. The only question is how is it all going to go down? The boys don’t do anything the easy way. They get off on the idea of death, and anything or anyone who stands in their way will suffer at their hands.
I’ve never felt anxiety like this before. Just the idea of seeing Zade in the flesh eats at me, and I know without a doubt that this isn’t a rescue mission to him. He doesn’t care what happens to me as long as my heart continues to beat. No, this is nothing but a mere stepping stone that’ll take him closer to the top, closer to my death.
“Quit pacing, O,” my father says, not able to sleep when he knows what’s coming. “They’ll come when everything is ready. They can’t just storm in here guns blazing. They must be discreet. In and out without anyone the wiser, which means any of the main entrances are out. If they’re taking their time, it means they’re being cautious.”
“I know,” I groan. “But I don’t have the patience for this.”
My father laughs, and there’s no mistaking the fondness in his tone. “Some things never change,” he murmurs to himself. “You’re still the same kid I’ve always remembered.”
I roll my eyes, not exactly feeling the stroll down memory lane right now. My body is too on edge for any of that. I start to pace again when a loud clunking sounds from the top of the stairs. My body stiffens as my heart races.
My father looks at me, a fond smile across his face. “It’s go time,” he tells me. “Remember, once you’re out, run. Run, my little girl. Run as far as you can.”
I swallow hard and nod, hoping that one day he might forgive me.
I’m not running anywhere. I’m staying and fighting until the end.