Page 87 of Love Among Reptiles

In the background, a female voice chattered about visiting grandma, but it was clear Esteban did not wish for his family to interact with the dangerous men he’d invited under his roof.

The children were urged out of the house so fast Nero barely got a glimpse of the two girls, but Santiago lingered, his one eye following their every move.

“I could stay. Camila can drive herself,” he said to Esteban. Did he expect there to be issues and wanted to be at his brother’s side in case he needed backup?

“That’s okay. You know Mother always complains you don’t visit. You’ll be back in two days anyway. Just enjoy yourself,” Esteban said in a jovial voice and entered the adjacent room, which smelled divinely of starch and meat.

Nero nodded at Santiago. “Have a safe journey.”

The man took a deep breath and shook his head. “Have a pleasant stay.” And with that, he followed Esteban’s wife out of the house.

“What bit his ass?” Nero asked. He had a gun on him, as well as Miguel, so he was pretty confident he could stand his ground in case of conflict. Especially that he could agree to whatever Esteban demanded from the Caimans, since it didn’t concern him.

Their host, who entered with a large earthenware pot, gave a low exhale and placed the food on a wooden board that must have been left in the middle of the table for that very purpose. “I’ll just be straight with you. I’ve seen your tattoos. You’re… Raul Moreno’s men, right?” he asked and approached a wooden sideboard to pull out plates and cutlery.

Esteban’s choice to be frank put Nero at ease. “That’s correct.”

Miguel’s dark eyes watched the older man with cold intensity. He was so reminiscent of a cobra, Nero half-expected to see a split tongue darting from between his lips. “We don’t want trouble. Our story is true. We just want a bed for the night.”

Esteban exhaled, then brought a basket of sliced bread and pulled out his keys before unlocking the top cupboard to reveal bottles. He took one that only had a third of its contents left and placed it on the table alongside three glasses. “I know this might be… bold of me,” he said and flashed them a nervous smile. “But I took you with me because I want to ask for help. I’ve tried to discuss this with Mr. Aguillar, but it’s a bit like attempting to reduce one’s electricity bill by calling the helpline.”

Nero nodded, as if he had any idea who Aguillar was. Father’s local man, no doubt.

Esteban invited them to sit, and when Nero did so with studied nonchalance, Miguel sat as well, eying the bread. Clearly, the trail mix hadn’t been enough to satisfy his hunger, but had Nero been enough? He wouldn’t know until they were alone and able to talk without a third wheel.

Nero didn’t truly care what Miguel thought as long as he did get to enjoy that hard body and cock many more times, but pride made him annoyed with the lack of response.

Esteban unscrewed the bottle and distributed the yellowish liquid between three glasses, before opening the pot to reveal the fragrant ajiaco, with whole pieces of corn on the cob floating on the surface.

“Is this about money?” Nero asked as their host ran back to the kitchen and returned a few seconds later with sliced avocado, a little bowl of capers, and a pot of sour cream, which all must have been ready for the family meal.

Esteban exhaled and ladled some of the hot soup into a bowl he then placed it in front of Nero. His face twisted in a scowl. “No. As you can see, we are faring well. It’s a neighbor I have trouble with.”


“And you want the Caimans to deal with him? Mr. Aguillar did nothing?”.

Esteban winced. “He’s a busy man, I understand that. All my neighbor needs is a nudge in the right direction. We have a dispute over land. For years, I harvested my bananas south of the stream that divides our territory, but now he claims an acre over there is his. I can’t talk sense into him, but I’m sure a visit from you two would, and I wouldn't need to bother Mr. Aguillar any longer. How about that?” he asked and raised his glass with a wide smile.

Miguel shrugged, which meant nothing while absolving him of the responsibility to provide an actual answer.

The tension in Nero’s shoulders lessened when their host poured himself food from the same pot and was the first to pick up his glass. “That could be arranged. We need to hear more.”

“Of course, you seem like reasonable men. The guy I have trouble with is not from here and he’s taken over the adjacent farm by marriage. There’s never been an issue before that. He's a truly greedy man,” Esteban said and toasted for Miguel and Nero’s health before taking a large gulp from the glass. Encouraged, Nero did the same, enamored by the sweetness of the beverage.