“Or should I…?”
Nero smirked and showed him his open palm. “Nah, I’ll do it.”
Miguel kept shooting him discreet glances as they both cleaned themselves, but as silence extended, Nero was starting to doubt everything he knew about what just happened. He’d never attached much meaning to sex, but Miguel did, no matter what he claimed. So what had made him change his mind about going for it?
Just as Nero was about to ask the question rolling around his head, Miguel spoke, reaching to his luggage.
“I got some trail mix if you’re hungry.”
Way to kill the mood. Though what kind of mood was Nero thinking about when they were done?
After the passion of their kisses, he’d kind of expected Miguel to be the type to rest next to him, chill out while remaining close, but he’d assessed the man incorrectly, because Miguel had already tucked in his cock and had the vibe of a hook-up about to leave the apartment.
Did he not like it?
No, he’d been all over Nero. But what if deep inside he regretted caving in to his desires? Or maybe what he really wanted was someone else?
“My stomach couldn’t take anything now,” Nero said, still feeling raw.
Miguel watched him for a prolonged moment. “Oh,” he said and frowned, leaving Nero to decipher his meaning.
What were they doing? What was this? Fuck buddies on the run?
And yet the sex had been so passionate, and Miguel had held Nero like no other lover before him.
As though he wanted to become one with him.
The sound of an engine made both of them stare at each other, then scramble for clothes.
Chapter 19
Nero was only a seat away from Miguel, yet the tension from before was like a poisonous fog that made his throat and muscles ache while Esteban chattered in the driver’s seat, indicating points of interest on and around his banana plantation.
For a man who’d discovered two strangers in a mangled vehicle blocking one of the roads on his property, he’d proved surprisingly welcoming. But then again, they were deep in the countryside, and folks here were often kinder. Or perhaps just bored and eager to welcome strays into their home.
Miguel had such a handsome profile, with a large, shapely nose and a bit of scruff after two days without shaving. Nero fantasized about punching him, just to take him down a peg, because he seemed as unbothered as usual and munched on that goddamn trail mix as if he needed it to recuperate his strength after the exquisitely rough fucking.
The burn in Nero’s ass would not let him forget what happened either, and he shifted in the uncomfortable seat to feel each bump on the uneven road right where he wanted it.
He’d had so much sex in his life, with so many guys, but rarely had it made him fantasize about it afterward. It was like having drunk real booze after a life of weak beer, and he didn’t know what to do about the strange, uncomfortable silence that followed their fast and hard tryst. And Esteban’s company did not help, because filling the air with noise did nothing to dissipate the very obvious tension creating a barrier between Nero and Miguel.
“My wife makes the most amazing ajiaco. You will get your strength back, rest, and tomorrow I’ll get you to town. My cousin could tow the car, but he’s away now,” Esteban said, looking back at them and rubbing his dark mustache.
He had deep crow’s feet and skin dark from spending most of his days outside, but there was no gray in his black hair, and his movements were lively like a young man’s.
“Thank you. We’ve had a rough day. First the accident, then getting lost. We will appreciate a place to stay for the night,” Miguel said, which was more than he’d given Nero. But with Esteban watching them in the rearview mirror and listening to every word, they could hardly talk about what had happened. And how would Nero ask any questions without sounding needy?
He wasn’t needy.
In fact, he was only concerned because he liked Miguel and didn’t want something as basic and simple as sex to spoil their camaraderie. They would have to somehow talk it out man to man once the time was right.
The sun was descending fast, and soon enough the expanse of banana trees would turn from green to black, but just as he thought that, the vehicle left the crops behind and ascended a low hill where a small white house stood in the last of the orange glow of the evening, surrounded by flowers.
A large rusty truck was parked in front of it, with a man working around it. When the lights of Esteban’s car hit him, it became clear that he was younger than their host, even though he sported a full beard and a black patch covering the right eye.