They weren’t even fucking.
But when Miguel’s strong hands pulled him closer, Nero gasped with relief. Moments before losing consciousness, he’d been at peace with the possibility that his remaining days might be filled with pain and humiliation. He did not expect to get Miguel’s care instead.
“Why?” he asked with a grin, despite not believing Miguel at all.
He didn’t know a less selfish man.
“I promised you,” Miguel said, sliding his hands beneath Nero’s top in a languid movement. They were so cold, yet the sensation they triggered was becoming so familiar that Nero relaxed to their touch.
But what he initially assumed would be a search for bruises and other injuries soon revealed itself as something much more sensual. The rough hands roamed over the plains of flesh, making him gasp in pleasure. When their eyes met, there was a dark fire burning in Miguel’s, and the grin dropped off Nero’s lips when he realized he too would soon catch fire.
Miguel dashed forward, pushing Nero deeper into the car as he crawled after him like a wild cat about to sate its hunger. Air got stuck in Nero’s throat when he breathed in the tang of Miguel’s sweat, and his head made a little spin, still affected by whatever drug he’d been given.
“Promised me what?”
Miguel groaned and pressed Nero down to the seats before crashing their lips together in another kiss. The way his leg parted Nero’s knees sent bright sparks of understanding into his mind before Miguel answered.
“I promised I’ll fuck your brains out, so shut up,” Miguel rasped against Nero’s lips, sending delicious vibrations straight to his dick. Speaking would’ve been impossible anyway with a hot tongue gliding over Nero’s, unafraid of the sharpened teeth.
Miguel’s weight constricted Nero’s breathing, and when his strong arms locked around pliant flesh, a sense of danger tinted pleasure, turning it into an intoxicating combination. It was like making love to a boa constrictor, but while Nero might be unfamiliar with kindness, love, or compassion, fucking he understood perfectly. So he relaxed and threw his arms around Miguel as that insistent tongue probed his mouth.
Shivers of relief danced over Nero when the hard body of the man who protected him from death and torture fit itself between his legs, already grinding.
He remained confused, with a strange fuzziness to his brain, but if there was anything he didn’t doubt, it was that Miguel would make sure no one hurt him in this vulnerable state.
It felt good to be with someone who would truly have his back.
Miguel’s movements were becoming frantic as he pulled off Nero’s top to run his hands up and down his sides. Every scratch of nails, every pang of pain from being touched where bruises were forming, added to the excitement of the never-ending kiss by grounding him in the present.
The leather seat stuck to his flesh, the air freshener smelled of a chemistry lab, and with the AC switched off, the car was starting to feel stuffy, but Miguel’s desire for him trumped everything else. As much as Nero loved being wanted, and the sensation of being fucked, in this moment, the man on top of him felt like the only one he’d ever crave.
Miguel licked the space between his gums and lip as if he needed to explore every inch of Nero’s mouth. And while their position was awkward, with a seatbelt buckle digging into Nero’s hip, he didn’t give a shit about such trivialities as long as Miguel’s stiff dick rocked against him.
A soft moan left Nero’s mouth when he pushed his hand between their bodies and felt the stiffness of Miguel’s stomach. Not at all sociable, Miguel spent most of his free time in training, and this had made him ripped like some action movie hero. His toned body was a torrential wave, crashing into Nero over and over until their cocks were hard as two loaded guns.
Nero’s hand moved lower, to continue where they’d left off last night, and he grinned against Miguel’s mouth, flicking his tongue against the hot invader inside his own as imagination took him right to the end of this burning hot moment. He’d jerk Miguel off until his own stomach was covered by hot cum, which he’d then gather with his fingers and lick off while staring straight into those passionate black eyes.
And Miguel? He’d be aroused despite feeling like he shouldn’t be.
Instead, Miguel pushed up, holding onto the back of the driver’s seat for leverage, and took off his top, revealing his chest in all its washboard glory. He was male beauty incarnate, with scars and tattoos telling his difficult story. The hair dusted down his stomach was like an arrow pointing Nero where his mouth was wanted, and he licked his lips, eager to follow its direction down the ridges of hard muscle. But first, he’d take his time with Miguel’s thick neck, his nipples, pecs, and the delicious dip between the collarbones.