Page 74 of Love Among Reptiles

Miguel’s face stiffened, but he didn’t move away. Dealing with him felt like taming a wild cat. “What if I don’t live up to your expectations?”

Nero chuckled and rolled his head over Miguel’s shoulder. He rather liked the implication that the sex would eventually happen. “That’s not the right way to think about it. I know how to communicate what I want now. The way I see it, the guy matters more than what he does, because things can always be discussed.”

Miguel pouted. “I don’t wanna be just another ‘meat puppet’.”

Nero smiled, weirdly light at heart. It felt good to be around someone who cared about his opinion. “Hey, you know I like your company.”

“Liking someone and wanting to fuck their brains out are two different things.”

“But they can go together just fine,” Nero said and pushed himself between Miguel and the rail, keeping his eyes on the glinting dark orbs looking back at him as if he were the most fascinating creature on the planet. “I want it. You want it. When you’re ready, take me, fuck my brains out.”

Just thinking about Miguel lowering Nero’s pants and pushing him against the wall in some dark corridor made Nero’s legs go weak.

If this guy really was a virgin, he’d be fast and hard. And whatever he didn’t know could be taught to him with frequent practice.

The stubble-covered Adam’s apple bobbed, and Miguel nodded ever so slowly. “We have company,” he said, looking over Nero’s shoulder.

If this was Hugo Cano, Nero would eviscerate the fucker for giving him blue balls when Miguel so clearly wanted to fuck him right here and now.

Business first.

Chapter 16


If Cano wanted them dead, he’d have shot them off the upper deck, where they’d been standing like hens on a perch, unaware of the fox watching them from the bushes. But why did he want them alive? Was it to make them into an example or did he want to get rid of them more discreetly? Fuck knew, but now that their location had been discovered, the only way was down the gangplank.

A part of Miguel wanted to draw the Caimans onto the riverboat, but with so many passengers and crew remaining on board, it would have led to unnecessary loss of life and more Caimans waiting for them in the subsequent port.

Next to him, Nero stood in the corner, facing away from the stream of people waiting in line to disembark, Nero reloaded his gun. “Only have one more magazine. You?”

“Six bullets,” Miguel said grimly, watching the daily activities of people who were not aware of the predators hiding among them.

On one side of the pier, a man waited to help the vessel moor, and just a short walk away fishermen unloaded their catch. Stands with colorful crap and food obscured Miguel's view, but he still got a glimpse of a shiny black Land Rover, which undoubtedly belonged to Cano and his men.

Nero exhaled and shoved the spare magazine into his hand. “Just follow my lead,” he said and walked toward the line formed alongside the taffrail.

The port was small and served a town located around a mile away, but because of the natural attractions nearby, the single street settlement attached to it was full of small travel agencies, bars, restaurants, and not much else. Miguel frowned at the sight of a banner advertising a newly opened wax figure museum featuring important characters from Colombian history, celebrities and, out of all things, Vikings.

Was it because of the proximity to a river, even one that had never been looked at by a Viking? He’d ponder this over a nice cold beer if they survived.

Another Land Rover stood close to the pier, like a wall of black metal neither of them could pass without becoming a bullet magnet. But maybe if they played their cards right, the stands with everything from sweets to T-shirts with the Colombian flag could make for adequate cover.

Miguel didn’t recognize anyone other than Cano and Ramiro, but he spotted at least two men whose body language designated them as predators who’d arrived here with a purpose. There were bound to be more, which was another reason for caution. Neither he nor Nero had a full picture of the danger, and if they started a confrontation, they’d not only endanger innocent bystanders but might also wreck their chances for an escape.

The sharp sunshine disappeared as clouds passed above, but Miguel’s eyes remained on the two figures standing in the very middle of the embankment, both dressed in black and surely fed up with the wild goose chase that had started with Miguel and Nero’s escape yesterday. But Nero wasn’t in a hurry, calmly watching Cano and Ramiro from the line of disembarking passengers who chatted and shifted their weight, unaware of being meat shields.

The silent standoff seemed to last days not minutes, and Miguel would not back down from his own wordless conversation with one of the Caimans. He promised the man a bullet in the gut and a slow, painful death as his opponent's eyes told him the same awaited him if he failed to escape.