Miguel put his hand on the rod sticking out of the bison, which brought him closer to Nero. “Like what?”
He no longer worried about the resin and metal guns pointed at his back by the figures that used to embody childhood fantasies, too focused on the heat radiating from Nero.
“Some kind of understanding. Companionship. Friendship.” Nero said in a quieter voice, letting that last word dangle between their mouths like a piece of candy they surely both wanted.
Miguel swallowed his nerves and met Nero’s eyes. “I would like us to be friends. For as long as we have left.”
Nero watched him in silence, but his thighs spread, creating space that Miguel could just walk into.
No one would see him do it when it was so dark.
“Me too,” Nero said with surprising softness to his voice.
Miguel slid his hand to the bison’s back, that bit closer to Nero. “Is there anyone you’d want to go back to?”
Nero crooked his head. “No. I’m alone. I just have you and that one smile you offered me before pulling the trigger.”
Heat spread in Miguel’s stomach at what that meant. “I’m sorry.”
“That I’m all you have. It’s not a lot. But I promised you safety, and I’ll get you there.”
Nero leaned in so close Miguel feared he might be kissed. But was that electric buzz at the small of his back really fear?
“I know. You’re an honorable man. Which is why I know you’ll also want to honor our bet.”
Miguel looked up to Nero’s face, then to his crotch, and found himself falling into memories buried deep in his mind. They were floating up to the surface, so he pushed them down, stiffening, but that left no room for thinking of a response. “I…”
“How about we change things up, and you give me a kiss instead?” Nero asked. His fingers touched Miguel’s on the bison’s back, sending a shock of warmth straight to Miguel’s groin.
Like a sleepwalker led by fantasies untamed by reality, Miguel slid between the knees that parted for him so eagerly. He was wanted and could sense it deep inside. Like never before.
"Without it meaning anything? Just for the bet?” he whispered, entwining their fingers so hard he was afraid he’d hurt Nero but that rough hand was like a lifeline he wasn’t ready to let go of. Every fiber in his body was electrified by the tension of their closeness, but he waited for Nero’s answer, barely breathing.
Nero chuckled as his thighs closed on Miguel’s hips. “It’s just a kiss. What could it possibly mean?”
Nothing. Of course. What could a kiss mean to a man who fucked around with the ease of a rabbit in spring? And so it would mean nothing to Miguel as well. Just an experiment. He’d kissed a few girls in his early teens, when he still tried to be like the other boys, but had never liked it enough to pursue more.
Miguel put his hand on Nero’s sturdy thigh, flooded by a powerful yearning. His insides fluttered at the way Nero’s legs pulled him in, suggesting he was welcome to take whatever he wished.
He didn’t even want to consider what this could mean, because when his mouth tentatively met the soft pillows of flesh Nero had for lips, he was gone. It didn’t matter if he was the hundredth man to kiss Nero or man number one thousand. He wanted to be the last one.
Deep shivers trailed over his flesh like lightning bugs about to set his body on fire. Before he knew what was happening, The firm legs wrapped around him so tightly his groin met the hardness straining the front of Nero’s pants.
Instead of pulling away, like he should, Miguel grabbed the naked flesh of Nero's sides, marveling at the texture of scars while sharp teeth most people would have been afraid of pulled over his bottom lip, triggering the oddest sensation that was somehow between an itch and pain and yet made him want more.
Nero parted his lips in an invitation Miguel would not decline. He’d never touched a man this way, but somehow his fingers knew where to wander, and he grunted with arousal when they found the nipple piercings. He’d barely slipped the tip of his tongue between Nero’s lips and his cock already throbbed, stiff and ready for fuck knew what, because Miguel sure didn’t know what to do with himself. No porn or fantasy had ever made him feel this way, as if Nero were a torrent Miguel had got caught up in without knowing how to swim.
Nero’s chest pushed against his hands, and he moaned when Miguel penetrated his warm mouth with his tongue. No one had been this pliant to his touch before, no one had squirmed, begging for his caresses, and it did something to his head. Something that made him feel powerful, and hot, and confident to follow the insistent drive to collide with Nero.