Was he really disinterested or was it fear of failure keeping him from grabbing casual opportunities when they presented themselves? He liked looking at handsome men, but the idea of touching a stranger in a sexual manner made something wiggle uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach.
“Mmm—iguel,” he said, in disbelief at his own hesitation, and glanced at the tray of miscellaneous shots being set up on the counter, just to have an excuse not to stare at the man in front of him. But despite the music and bodies crowding every bit of the mirrored interior, he could only see this stranger with smooth skin and an addictive smile.
“Elonzo. Pleased to make your acquaintance,” the guy said and squeezed Miguel’s hand, but his voice was so rich with desire he might as well have placed his hand on Miguel’s chest, because that was where he was looking. “Am I gonna see that tank top you’re wearing wet and sticking to you or do I have to remove it so I can see what the rest of you looks like?”
It would have been so easy to break his hand or threaten him. That would have been familiar. This? Miguel was way out of his depth. “I…” he trailed off just to check if Nero wasn’t spying on him, but he froze when he saw his boss rise and aggressively spread his arms.
Juan reached to the back of his pants, and Miguel moved even before the treacherous bastard showed his gun. This was Miguel’s element.
Chapter 4
Nero chewed on his lip as a strobe passed across Miguel’s ass.
Manicured fingers snapped in front of his face.
“Earth to Nero,” Nando said with laughter on his cartoonishly plump lips. “I asked where did you get him and why aren’t you riding him yet?”
Nero shrugged and downed his rum before taking in his companion’s slender, long limbs. “He’s a... gift from an acquaintance.”
Arturo laughed and rested his chin on his hands with a wistful sigh. “Please tell me he’s hung like a donkey. I bet he is.”
Nero looked past the crowd coursing between the bar and the dancefloor, to where Miguel rested his elbows against the counter, pushing back his denim-clad ass.
Taller than Nero, he had longer limbs, larger feet and hands, and a longer torso. His dick was bigger too, not that Nero had anything to be ashamed of. “He is... a good size,” Nero said and loudly clapped his jaw shut, making Arturo and Nando break out with laughter.
Nero would pay good money for half an hour with his tongue wrapped around Miguel’s dick. He didn’t know if it was the man himself that got him so horny, or the way he evaded Nero’s advances while giving in just the tiniest amount. Either way, Nero hadn’t lost hope that one day he’d break through Miguel’s defenses and ride that cock into sweaty oblivion as muscular, tattooed arms wrapped around him and squeezed as if they were two boa constrictors.
“Do you think he can be seduced?” Nando cocked his head, watching Miguel chat to some man at the bar.
Arturo shrugged. “Any man can be seduced.”
“Yeah. Literally any, if the right kind of persuasion is used. Miguel is just proving to be… hm… harder than most,” Nero said.
He licked his lips, imagining Miguel above him, pumping his hips, dark eyes pinned to Nero’s face as if he were solving the mysteries of the universe, not fucking. The braids of glistening black hair would tickle Miguel’s pecs, leaping whenever he thrust his big cock deep inside Nero’s pliant body.
Miguel was a dangerous animal—a trait that spoke to Nero’s desire to live on a knife-edge. In his dreams, he saw the red eyes of the skull inked into Miguel’s neck staring back at him while Miguel entered him over and over. It had a bed of intricate black roses and thorns for background, and drew attention away from a date inked right above Miguel’s collar bones—17.04.2002.
But Nero watched his bodyguard often enough to notice details, and when he’d asked about it, Miguel had told him it was the date of his first kill, which only made him even more attractive. Nero loved a man forged in blood and bullets.
Nero glanced to the third of his companions, whose mouth flattened into a thin line. It hadn’t escaped his attention that Juan had barely said a word all evening, just smiling tensely now and then or throwing some vague statements without much follow-up.
“What about you? What’s the key to my man’s pants?” Nero asked as Arturo showed Nando his new chest tattoo by exposing his round, hairy belly.
Juan’s pencil mustache twitched. “It’s not about getting a man but keeping him. You wouldn’t know about that, would you?”
The mean-spirited response was so surprising the other two friends stopped talking and looked back at Juan.