“You would have killed him anyway,” Nero said with a grin.
Miguel’s fingers followed the lines of muscle on Nero’s arms without hurry. “I would have. That was my purpose. Growing up… there was a moment when I expected to start liking girls the way my friends did, but it never happened, so I figured I was broken by the things I’ve seen. I was okay with that to a certain degree. It made me think that I wouldn’t be distracted by women, so it took me a while to connect the dots about what was really going on. But when I discovered that I didn’t just admire handsome, muscular men like any other boy wanting to be like them, the thought of touching a stranger, or having their hands on me still wasn’t… appealing. I didn’t want to just shove my dick into some random guy. Even you. I did find you hot, but that didn’t automatically mean I wanted to do anything about it.”
Nero’s chest warmed in the heat of Miguel’s attention. “But now you do.”
“I do. I… used to imagine you with other men. Never with me, but the men didn’t matter, they were just a pretext to envision you naked, out of control, insatiable, always wanting more dick.” Miguel squeezed Nero’s hip and pushed closer, until there was barely any space between them. The sudden move, reminiscent of a reptile about to snap its jaws had Nero shivering, and he put his leg across Miguel’s hip.
With his lips pulsing in need of a kiss, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around the warm neck that still bore the scars of last night’s fight with Esteban. They wouldn’t have made it if it hadn’t been for Miguel’s quick reflexes and cunning.
Knowing that lust for him had been long brewing in Miguel fueled the arousal already simmering inside, and he licked the tempting lips. “You want to split me open again?”
Miguel cleared his throat and gave him another kiss. “I… you need to rest after yesterday.”
Aw. That was just adorable. “Miguel, I’ve done gangbangs. I can totally go again.”
This time, Miguel looked away, and Nero’s surprise turned into frustration. “It doesn’t feel right after what he did to you. Especially that I was so rough before that.”
Nero stared at him, baffled. “What he'd—oooh,” he muttered, realizing what this was about. He smirked and slid his fingers down Miguel’s stubbly cheek while the dark eyes stubbornly avoided his gaze. “You weren’t excessively rough. And that broom wasn’t even as thick as your dick. So it was a shitty thing to happen, and I’m not happy you saw that, but it’s all in the past.”
It pained Nero to see Miguel tense up further. “I should have done something sooner.”
Nero’s mouth dried, at the visceral memory. He really had thought he’d die on that table, in torturous pain, and with Miguel forced to watch it happen. But what Esteban had managed to do? It was hardly the worst thing to ever happen to him. He’d been conscious, there was no blood, and while having the broom stuck up his ass hurt, at times so did consensual sex. Why was Miguel making such a big deal out of it?
“You were chained up, and you did save the day. You deserve my gratitude,” Nero whispered, sliding his hand down Miguel’s torso.
“Are you saying you’ll fuck me as a thank you?” Miguel scowled.
Of course he had to make this difficult and complicated for no reason.
“Oh, come on, Miguel,” Nero moaned, sliding closer until their bodies slotted together. From only inches away, he could smell cloves and tobacco on Miguel’s breath, and rubbed his face against him. “I want you, all right? You make my dick hard. I want you to come down my throat and split my ass open. Is that what you need to hear?”
Miguel’s arms wrapped around him, and his hands slid all the way to Nero’s buttocks. “Yes. And I want that as well. But I have a say in this too, and your ass is resting until I say so, okay?” Two of his fingers slid into Nero’s crack without warning and rubbed against his opening in an obvious attempt at distraction.
The fucker was learning fast.
“But I don’t want it to rest. I’m always horny,” Nero complained, but there was a part of him that felt good about this frustrating conversation. Miguel might be misguided about the physical side of things, but the fact that he was rejecting something he very clearly wanted for Nero’s sake was oddly chivalrous. And while Nero believed chivalry was long dead, he couldn’t help but smile at the idea of Miguel wearing fancy medieval armor and serenading him under his window. In a chastity belt.
Miguel snorted and rubbed his face against Nero’s neck. “You need a hand with that?” His fingers swept over Nero’s cock and tugged on the piercing, reminding Nero of the brief jerk-off Miguel had given him during the sex in the car. He’d been so overwhelmed he barely remembered it, but now the memory of the familiar hand squeezing his hard dick came back to him with full force.