“That’s why I pierced them. They’re really sensitive too,” Nero said and washed the shampoo out with more water as Miguel’s muscles relaxed in the cascade. He’d like to repeat this. Maybe if he learned to braid, it could become a part of their routine?
If they survived the journey to Lima.
Miguel snorted and curled his legs up. Nero wanted to get a peek at his cock, but the soapy foam was already floating on the water surface and obscuring the view. When he’d imagined breaking through Miguel’s barriers and fucking him, this cozy setting was never what he’d envisioned. But he liked it.
“I’ll remember that next time I get to squeeze them.”
“You can pull and twist too,” Nero added as he finished rubbing conditioner into the clean hair. Leaning forward, he dipped his hand in the warm water and pulled Miguel’s hand out, leading it to his bare chest.
Miguel went silent, but his fingers were greedy for touch, and he grabbed the nipple without being asked twice, teasing it with his frosty touch.
Heat rushed to Nero’s face, and he bit his lip, ready to be pulled into the water by the nipple just like a bull might be propelled forward by its nose ring. But as his eyes met Miguel’s, there was a knock on the door.
“Ah, the room service.”
Was that a smirk on Miguel’s face? Tease.
Nero grabbed a robe, already feeling a little more like his old self as he walked across the luxurious room to pick up food made for him while a hot guy waited in the bathtub.
He’d got them a whole selection of fruit, sweets and salty snacks, as well as steak, which he proceeded to cut into bite-sized pieces for easy consumption.
A part of him was a little disappointed that by the time he got back to the bathroom, Miguel was already washing off the conditioner, because he’d been looking forward to handling all that beautiful black hair for a bit longer.
“I’m still gonna braid it,” he pointed out, shoving the cart with food into the bathroom, because they were both too hungry to wait.
“You better,” Miguel said with a grin so carefree it did something weird to Nero’s heart.
They’d known each other for a long time, yet Nero had so rarely seen Miguel smile it seemed like an unfamiliar expression. But knowing that he was the source of joy for a man so special fed into the needs he wasn’t even aware he had.
Miguel’s stomach grumbled, calling Nero back to reality.
“There, you need some protein,” he said and handed Miguel one of the steaks on a white plate.
“I don’t think I’ve ever eaten in the bath, but I’m not complaining,” Miguel said and dug into the food. “I’m so fucking hungry. Wait. You haven’t eaten when we went shopping, have you?”
Nero shrugged and combed Miguel's heavy, dark hair with his fingers. “Nah. Just had a coffee.”
“Eat, I’ll pass you some,” Miguel said, serious as if this was an emergency. He stabbed a piece of steak and lifted it to Nero’s mouth.
Nero could have waited despite the gnawing deep in his stomach, but who could resist being fed by the hottest man around? Stifling a smile, he took a piece of the warm, herby filet in his mouth and grunted when the soft, rare meat melted on his tongue. “Aw, are you worried I might drop unconscious?”
Miguel frowned. “Hell yes I am. You’ve been through so much, and we have a long road ahead of us tomorrow.”
The smile remained on Nero’s mouth, but something in his chest tightened when he realized that Miguel wasn’t joking and genuinely thought Nero might need the nourishment.
He couldn’t remember the last time someone wanted to make sure he was okay when it wasn’t in their job description.
He didn’t know what else one could say, given the circumstances, so he chewed on the meat and braided Miguel’s hair in the best way he could. It was no masterwork, but would do the job of keeping the thick locks back. They ate without much conversation, but the steak and fries proved to be a much-needed energy boost.
Only when that was done, Miguel turned and gave Nero the sweetest kiss on the lips. “Thank you. Now let’s get your hair dyed so we stand out a bit less—it’s red dye.”
“Well, yeah, but it’s dark red. Toned-down,” Nero said and stepped into the water, relieved to feel its warmth on his skin.
Miguel hummed but shook his head. “Okay, let’s do it. At least it will be different in case someone’s asks around for a man with green hair.” Miguel sat on the edge of the tub and started reading the instructions, as if he were about to dismantle a bomb not color hair. Nero, on the other hand, rubbed soap into his body, greedy to be clean before Miguel got to work.