Nero blinked, snorted, and then wrapped his arm around Miguel’s midsection with the tantalizing expression Miguel found so hard to resist. “Not a chance. I’m too scared of being alone,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows as he pulled Miguel toward the bathroom.
Even now, he knew what to say to put Miguel at ease. “You? You’re not afraid of anything.” Miguel used to think he’d become immune to fear, but last night had proved him wrong. He was really fucking scared of someone hurting Nero.
“Nah, I’m terrified to be without Miguel to watch my back,” Nero said with a grin and entered the small, surprisingly clean space. The walls were covered with three different types of tile—whatever was available for cheap, most likely—and while nothing inside had been finished with aesthetics in mind, the shower had a colorful curtain that brightened up the space.
“Your dick tells me you’re fearless. I’d never let anyone put a needle in,” Miguel said, pointing to the piercing weighing down Nero’s cock. “Is it not… painful?”
Nero’s brows rode up, and moments later, his teeth showed in a grin. “I can’t say it was comfortable in the beginning, but it makes everything more intense. Do you like it?” he asked, bumping his hip against Miguel’s.
Oh, yes he fucking did. “I do, and the nipple rings too,” he said breathlessly, fighting the urge to pet Nero’s cock.
“I hope this place has warm water,” Nero mumbled, squeezing Miguel’s waist harder and leaning against him, as if he needed comfort despite appearing relaxed. They both knew that if luck hadn't been on their side, they would have been the ones whose blood would soon disappear down the drain.
Miguel stepped into the shower first and let the cold water freeze his skin, but it did turn warm quickly, and once that happened, he pulled Nero in, still shocked by how natural it felt to touch him. Just like when they’d fucked in the car. Miguel had been nervous before and after the deed, but not in the moment, when inhibitions became translucent in comparison with the physical presence of the most alluring man he’d ever met.
He felt relief when water snuck into his tight braids, washing away some of the blood. Visiting a barber was far down his priority list right now, so this would have to suffice.
“The whole area is crawling with Caimans,” he said, watching Nero rinse the blood out of his mouth. But despite there surely being a limited amount of hot water, neither of them seemed ready to stop holding hands yet.
They didn’t bother pulling the curtain shut, which offered them more space to move, but with Nero standing so close and moaning softly when the warm droplets hit his skin, it made little difference. He rested his forehead on Miguel’s shoulder and stroked his chest under the pretense of washing off all the grime and dirt of their terrible day.
“All of Colombia is.”
That was their answer. “So we need to leave the country. Where would you like to go? I’ll take you anywhere you want.” Miguel swallowed and pulled back a little to let water flow down Nero’s face. He stroked the stubbly cheeks to loosen dry blood, and Nero let him, standing there with his eyes shut, as if he truly felt safe.
It was a new experience. And while there had been people who’d trusted Miguel with their safety in the past, there was something special about Nero feeling comfortable in his presence after the torture he’d just been through. His tongue slipped from between full lips, pulling over their flesh.
“Let’s start with Peru and see what happens.”
“Makes sense. There’s other organizations there keeping the Caimans at bay. A village? Big city? Somewhere by the ocean?” Whatever Nero chose, Miguel would make it happen.
“Don’t know. Maybe a big city with a beach?” He squirted a bit of liquid soap into his hand and started washing because as lovely as this was, they only had so much time. Nero followed his example, massaging the foam into his short hair, which turned the soap a greenish shade. He chuckled before pushing his head under the water, which was starting to get lukewarm.
“We’ll aim for Lima then, and go from there. Will you still be a pest during our road trip?” He dared a smile and stroked Nero’s side.
A visible shiver went throughout Nero’s body, but just as Miguel wanted to pull away out of worry his touch was no longer wanted, he was offered a smile full of sharp teeth, which had saved the day. “You mean pest or sex pest?” Nero asked and stepped closer, squeezing his hands on Miguel’s pecs.
Miguel froze. For the longest time, his instincts had kept him from intimacy, and while they were still in place, the closeness he’d shared with Nero had changed things. His body’s initial reaction was still no, but his mind and heart said yes. Nero’s touch felt good. Just… new. He swallowed, embarrassed when a shiver went all the way down to his cock. “I… um… I think you’ll need to rest after what happened today before you can fulfil your destiny as sex pest.”