Esteban’s mouth curved into a mean smirk, and he swirled the broom over the floor. “Too bad he didn’t get you to fuck him again before you two passed out. But don’t worry, I might just satisfy him too,” he said and picked up the broom with both hands, standing between Nero’s opened thighs.
“W-what?” Nero asked in a breathy voice, for the first time losing his cool. “Dude, would your wife approve of that? I’m pretty sure that’s cheating.”
But Miguel had none of that chill sense of humor and lunged forward in fury despite the collar holding him in place. “Don’t you dare touch him, you fucking fuck! You don’t care about revenge, you psycho! You’re not standing up to the cartel, just picking off the Caimans you can get your hands on in your impotent rage! You might come here on the weekends, look at your trophy wall and think you’re someone, but deep down, you know you’re a coward who failed your father and pays the cartel to leave his farm alone.” Miguel spat his way for good measure.
The smile didn’t drop from Esteban’s face, but his brows lowered, and dark eyes flashed like lightning. He slid the broom up to the table, and as he stared straight at Miguel, made a fast jab with it.
Nero raised his hips, and his hands balled into fists. He didn’t make a sound until his tormentor shoved the fucking thing in harder, tearing a choked grunt out of the lips Miguel had kissed only hours ago.
Tears dropped down Miguel’s cheeks as he hung his head, clenching his jaw so hard his face ached. His whole being was on fire, bitten by thousands of wasps all at once, and he wasn’t even the one being violated.
“Look who’s filled with ‘impotent rage’ now,” Esteban laughed. “Who knows, maybe I’ll see that wooden handle from the inside when I cut him open,” Esteban said through his teeth and stepped away, leaving the broom off the floor and penetrating Nero.
Miguel hated himself a good amount on an everyday basis, but now, helplessness overflowed inside him, creating a black hole. He was a useless sack of shit who should have died after killing Raul and spared Nero the trouble of dealing with him. If he couldn’t guarantee Nero’s safety, what was the point of his continued existence?
All of a sudden, he was that twelve-year-old boy again, forced to witness the violation and murder of his beloved sisters and unable to help.
Nero would remember his weakness and see Miguel for the maggot he was.
With tears of helplessness dripping down Miguel's cheeks, he rattled his cuffs in attempt to free his hands and lunged forward with his whole body like an ox desperate to get its cart out of quicksand. But the collar pressed against his throat, stifling his red hot fury, and once his vision blurred, he sat back, panting.
He'd be no good to Nero unconscious.
Esteban cocked his head, smirking at Miguel. "You'll get your turn, don't worry. I think I'll start will peeling those skulls from your face first—"
“Fuck you,” Nero rasped as Esteban picked up a thin knife and rolled it against a sanding stone.
“Not stimulated enough? Should I go back between your legs? Or should I tug on that ring in your cock until it rips free?” Esteban whispered, walking closer to Nero’s face and grabbing his head with one hand.
Air left Miguel’s lungs as he spotted the opportunity he needed.
In the swift move of a scorpion snapping its tail, Miguel extended his legs, sliding his body down as far as the collar allowed and wrapped his feet around the bastard’s ankle. He pulled back with all the force he could muster, toppling Esteban onto Nero. If there was the tiniest chance for Nero to grab the knife, it was worth taking.
When the blade clattered to the floor, far out of their reach, Miguel stiffened with a sense of impending doom, but as Esteban was picking himself up, Nero’s head shot up, and he closed his jaws on their abductor’s neck. The anger twisting Esteban’s face turned into panic, and he punched Nero in the chest, but the human piranha would not let go even as blood gushed all over him and formed rivers in the green hair.
Esteban made a choked noise and slammed Nero’s head next, this time managing to rip himself away, but blood flooded out of his torn neck, soaking into the front of his top, only to make its way to his pants.
His eyes were wide as they met Miguel’s, but then he collapsed down the wall, frantically trying to block the rapid blood loss.
“And who fucked who in the end, huh?” hollered Nero, spraying blood into the air with every word, but Esteban was set on survival and so confused he crawled toward Miguel, as if reason left his body in the face of death.