Page 71 of Love Among Reptiles

“Does he look local to you with that sunburn?” he asked and picked on a bit of peeling skin on his friend’s cheek.

“Sorry, I was daydreaming. I try to travel down this river every year. It brings back a lot of memories.”

“We’re eager to make some too. This is the first year when all of us are retired,” one of the women said and flashed him a bright smile. Nero didn’t miss the gold bracelet resting on her wrist. Or the small brand logo on the edge of her shorts. Despite being mature, she had muscular thighs and the trim figure of someone who found a lot of fulfilment in exercise.

“Well, congratulations! I would have never thought,” Nero said, looking at them with a grin. “None of you people look old enough for retirement.”

“It’s just Botox,” the other lady said. She had quite pronounced lines around her mouth, and the serious man from the other side of the table gave her a playful swat.

“Hey, don’t reveal our secrets to just anyone!” He’d definitely had some work done. He was slender and fit, which could explain his youthful appearance, but the longer Nero looked at him, the more he noticed how oddly smooth his forehead was.

That was an odd way to tease one’s husband. Or the husband of one’s friend.

But then, his gaze was drawn to the big man’s cap, and revelation hit him like a dick to the face. The outline of Texas was made of rainbow thread.

Nero could most definitely work with that.

“It’s broken,” Miguel said, rising from the floor to show everyone that the handle was no longer one with the rest of the mug. The woman’s handbag rested at her feet, but if Miguel had already pinched something from it, then Nero did in fact not see it happen.

“It’s just a cup. I hope I didn’t splash any of you,” he said and offered his hand to the sporty woman. “I’m Nacio, and this is Mateo.”

She squeezed his hand. “Julia.”

The other woman, who wore colorful clothes of natural fabric and had beads in her hair was named Viola.

Miguel greeted Big Bill, who was the one with the Texas hat and the man who was likely his boyfriend, Jeffrey. “Nacio is a big fan of plastic surgery, so you won’t find him judging.” Was that a smirk on Miguel’s lips?

Viola laughed. “None of that for me! Staying natural is the secret to a long, healthy life.”

“Even if, I’d rather look how I feel inside,” Jeff said, and the frown was back on his face, though to be fair, it did not create any wrinkles on his forehead.

“I see no harm in it. We all have agency about what we do with our bodies,” Nero stated and lifted his long sleeve just enough to show off the ink and scars without revealing the design.

“Show off.” Miguel stood on his other side, as if he too wanted to have a look at the tattoos, but moving brought him closer to Big Bill.

Julia glanced between them. “I’ve noticed you’re both quite… decorated.”

She had a fancy accent. Was this the most adventurous vacation of her life? They would give her an experience to remember.

“That’s why we cover. Those aren’t just any tattoos,” Nero said, eager to distract their new acquaintances from whatever Miguel was up to. “We are former cartel members.”

This would surely interest both men enough for Miguel’s skilful fingers to relieve them of some cash.

Miguel sighed. “There he goes, with his fantasies…”

But the eyes of all the people at the table were glued to Nero. “It’s true. Mateo’s not proud of it, and neither am I. I just… I noticed the rainbow,” he pointed to Big Bill’s hat, “and I thought I’m talking to people who would understand.”

Jeff sat straighter and cocked his head with a silent question.

Nero was a wizard and had those people completely under his spell. Appealing to something of personal interest was the perfect magic trick for every occasion.

“We already wanted to get out of the life by the time we met, but falling for Mateo was the last straw. It was too dangerous for us to be together, and I couldn’t risk something happening to him.”

“That’s so romantic,” Big Bill said, covering his mouth.

Miguel sighed and rubbed his face, but didn’t interfere, leaving Nero to soak up all the attention.

“He can be on the shy side, but when push came to shove, he did everything to help us get out.” Nero met Miguel’s eyes, almost believing his own story.

Miguel moved to the other side of the table under the pretense of grabbing a plastic cup of water from the buffet behind Viola. She glanced after him but quickly turned her attention back to Nero.

“I can’t imagine how it must have been for the two of you. Julia and I… Being a lesbian in Texas has its own struggles, but I can’t even begin to compare—”