“It’s going to be okay, because Adriano understands what we mean to each other. He saw it first-hand when you showed up here to tell me you loved me, with what you thought was your dying breath.” He sighed and added, “I still can’t believe you came here, instead of driving yourself to a hospital. You should have prioritized saving your life over everything else.”

“I’ll always come to you, Romy,” I said softly, “always, especially if I’m hurt or scared. I’ll run to you because you’re home to me, and the only person in this world who makes me feel safe.”

He grasped my face between his palms and kissed me before whispering, “I love you so much.”

Every time he said those words, it felt like the best gift I’d ever received. I reached up and touched his cheek as I told him, “I love you, too. More than anything.”

A little while later, his brother appeared in the open doorway. Romy told me, “I’m going to give you two some privacy.” When I nodded, he kissed my cheek and whispered, “It’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”

Adriano only took a couple of steps into the room before pausing and crossing his arms over his chest. Then he started to say something, but I blurted, “I’m so fucking sorry. I know those words don’t change anything, but I really am, and I wish none of it had happened—your fiancé getting shot, you getting abducted, your mom’s bar getting wrecked. I lost control of my men, and it’s totally my fault. If I’d gotten them to respect me the way I should have, they never would have acted without my permission. Everything they did is all on me, and if you want to take me outside and beat the living shit out of me, I won’t fight back.”

A frown creased his brow. “I’m not going to do that, Marcus. Never mind that you’re recovering from a serious injury. Romy would never forgive me.” A few moments ticked by. Finally, he told me, “Romy says we met about five years ago. I don’t remember it.”

“Long story short, I was brought to your club by some thug I was trying to impress, and you had your men throw me out because I looked exactly like what I was—an angry, classless little punk. I was humiliated and really fucking pissed off, and I carried that grudge for years. So, when I saw the opportunity to lash out at you by trying to take over your illegal gambling operation, I jumped at it. But I don’t blame you for keeping me out of your club. Not anymore. If I’d been in your position, I probably would have done the same thing.”

His frown deepened. “Am I really supposed to believe all this? You’re sorry, you’ve changed, you understand my perspective all of a sudden?”

“No. I figure you’ll always think I’m full of shit, just like you’ll always believe I’m not good enough for Romy. You’re totally right about that second thing, by the way. I’m not good enough for him, not by a long shot. He’s an absolute angel, and the best person I’ve ever known. But I love him, and all I can do is learn, and grow, and try my damnedest to become even a fraction of the man he deserves.”

Now Adriano looked frustrated. “I really wanted to yell and cuss you out, but you’re making that tough by being so fucking contrite.”

“Sorry. I’ll shut up now. Go ahead and cuss me out.”

He didn’t know what to say to that, so after a few moments, he went a different route. “I don’t trust you. I doubt I ever will. But Romy does. He loves you and wants to be with you, which means you’re a part of this family now. To be clear though, I’ve got my eye on you. If you ever hurt him or any other member of my family, I’ll fucking tear you apart with my bare hands.”

“That’s fair.”

He sighed, and his posture relaxed, just a little. “You’ve taken all the fun out of this. I thought it’d be so satisfying to finally tell you off.” I started to say something, but he cut me off with a sharp glare. “Don’t fucking apologize again. I’m going to go get Romy and let him know we’re done, for now.”

Adriano started to leave, but then he turned back and said, “I almost forgot. I need you to make a list of all the people who’ve been coming after you, not just the ones who ambushed you the night you got shot.”

“No problem, but can I ask why?”

“Since you’re a part of this family now, you’re under our protection. We Dombrusos look out for our own. My brother Dante and his associates are going to make sure your enemies understand this and leave you alone.”