Page 44 of My Dark Romeo

My jaw nearly dropped.

He couldn’t be serious. I didn’t even get to spend time with Frankie, Momma, and Sav.

Never mind that. There was still a twelve-pound cake with my name on it. Literally.

Finally, there was no more room left for me to retreat. My back crashed against the glass of the patio door. “But…I don’t have a suitcase. And…and…clothes.”

“Cara packed you everything you need.” He pinned me against the glass, arms bracketing my head, fingers staining the glass. “Whipped cream excluded.”

“She doesn’t know me.”

“Hate to break it to you, but there’s more mystery in the contents of a hot dog than the contents of that little head of yours.”

“What about my passport?”

“Your mother gave it to me before the ceremony.”


She probably thought she’d done me a favor.

“I need to rest. The last few weeks have been so stressf—”

“Our mothers did all the work. You’ve been resting your entire life. This trip is happening whether you want it or not. Now go say your goodbyes.”

“I hate you.” I tried stomping on his foot, but he was quicker, pulling back.

“How unfortunate.” He leaned forward, lips skating over mine. “See, I don’t hate you one bit. In fact, you’re prime entertainment for me. Like a dozen circus clowns emerging from a tiny car. You’re an aerial act, Dallas. When you succeed—I’m impressed. When you fail—I’m amused. But I never, ever care enough to give you hate. That would require you to be my equal.”

His mouth was on mine now, touching but not yet kissing.

My heart jackhammered through my rib cage, threatening to tear my chest, leap between us, and splatter on his pristine snowy shirt, blood and all.

My eyes slammed shut of their own accord. My lips prepared to find his almost-familiar heat.

But instead of being cocooned once again in his addictive hold, a breeze of cool air slapped my face.

I opened my eyes and found Romeo two steps away, sneering down at me.

“So naïve.” He tsked. “You’re going to be spectacularly fun to break.”

Ollie vB

The bride looked exquisite.

Romeo Costa

Bleach your eyeballs immediately.

She wasn’t yours to look at.

Ollie vB

So did her sister.

Romeo Costa


Ollie vB

Come on, Rom.

We both know I’m too rich to see a prison cell from the inside.

Zach Sun

Can someone remove the ghost of David Bowie from the chat?

Romeo Costa removed Ollie vB from the chat.

Zach Sun

Why do I always feel like I need a long, scorching shower after talking to Ollie?

Romeo Costa

Because he is sexual harassment packed into a Tom Ford suit?

Zach Sun

Is Denver excited about Paris?

Romeo Costa

I’ve met cats more excited about their baths.

Zach Sun

Have you considered trying to get along with her?

Romeo Costa

Not once.

Zach Sun

Is there a long version to this answer?

Romeo Costa

I think that ship sailed the day I dragged her by the ear to a state she doesn’t know, to live in a house she doesn’t like, and marry a man she actively hates.

Ollie vB has entered the chat.

Romeo Costa

How did that just happen?

Ollie vB

I have a software engineer on retainer.

@ZachSun hooked me up a few months ago when I had to deal with a dick-pic crisis.

Zach Sun

A crisis aptly titled .Mobi Dick.

Romeo Costa


Ollie vB

@ZachSun, your copywriting talent is heartbreakingly wasted.

Romeo Costa

I repeat: ON RETAINER?

Ollie vB

You’d be surprised how often I get myself into hot water with some of the content I share.

Romeo Costa

Something tells me I would not be surprised at all.

Ollie vB

So, is little Townsend taken?

Romeo Costa


Ollie vB

I hate to say this, Costa, but you’ve always been a prude. Right, Zach?

Zach Sun left the chat.

Romeo Costa left the chat.

Ollie vB

So dramatic.

I bet my fifth yacht the girl is eighteen.

Dallas Townsend reminded me of a phoenix, rising from the ashes of her poor decisions. An inspiration to the idling masses.

In tonight’s episode, Shortbread drank herself into a stupor.

Ever since I’d broken the tragic news of our impending luxurious honeymoon, she’d guzzled down champagne, slurring her thanks to our guests while zigzagging through the room.

Aside from her agreeable looks, I’d met office furniture more lovely to spend time with.

It didn’t help that she embarrassed us both by channeling her inner designated drunk aunt at a Christmas dinner, babbling loud enough to be heard from the South Pole.

Her family didn’t interfere with the spectacle. Shep conducted business, whereas Natasha dedicated all her efforts into finding a suitable match for the other menace she’d spawned.

And Franklin…

Franklin knew exactly how drunk Dallas was. She let it happen, aware that I was allergic to public scandals.

That I managed to shuttle Shortbread into my private jet without losing an eye was nothing short of a miracle.

We were Paris-bound, and the excitement level sat somewhere between a three-day-long calculus marathon and a funeral.

“I think I’m going to throw up,” Dallas announced, clutching her stomach, still in her bridal gown.

Her face was extraordinarily green for someone who wasn’t the Grinch.