Page 91 of My Dark Romeo

I swung my hips as I cat-walked to my husband, his father, and his nemesis. They stood beside a helicopter with noise-canceling earmuffs, eyes pinned to me.

I supposed I’d achieved my goal of reminding Romeo how desired his wife was, considering every man I passed undressed me with his eyes.

The sunny smile on my face only hardened Romeo’s glare. He tore his muffs off, shoving them into Cara’s hands.

Senior studied my cleavage like he’d lost his car keys inside it. Beside him, Bruce looked ready to volunteer as tribute and dig for them.

The helicopter’s blades whisked air around us.

Still, I heard Senior crystal-clear through the roar. “What is she doing?”

“Making sure I lock her in a cell until she hits menopause.” Romeo had already started for me, even outpacing the wind dancing between us.

We met halfway on the runway. My skin blossomed with awareness, knowing we held every eye in a one-mile radius.

“Hey, hubs.” I laced my arms around his neck, rising in my heels to give him a kiss.

His mouth was cold and unresponsive as it covered my lips. I darted my tongue across the seam then sucked the lower one into my mouth.

He refused to budge. “You look like a slut.”

The word cut off my air supply, rendering me dizzy. I lost my balance, almost tripping if it weren’t for his hand on my back.

He’d never called me that before.

Not even when I’d thrust my genitals in his face, demanding to be satisfied, which occurred daily.

The Romeo I knew did not view sexually liberated women as sinful. Something had triggered him.

Or maybe you are trying to excuse his toxic masculinity.

His expression remained as hard and unrelenting as his shoulders. “That was your intention, was it not?”

I hated that my argument died before it could gestate, grow limbs, and strangle him to death. To be fair, I’d seen pornstars screwed in lingerie with more fabric than my dress.

If the wind blew the wrong way, every man in the vicinity would enjoy an open view of my breasts.

And there was a lot of men in the vicinity.

Plenty of wind, too.

“Fine. If you want me to treat you like one, congratulations. I’ll let you be my little slut.”

I tore away from him, wounded and feverish. Even at the height of our hatred, he’d never dared speak to me like that. There’d always been an undercurrent of respect.

There wasn’t now.

He advanced, searing his hand on my waist until I thought my bones would char to dust. His lips dragged across my cheek, settling on the shell of my ear.

“Get on your knees, take out my cock, and jerk me off until I come all over your ‘outfit.’ Go ahead. Do it.”

My left knee buckled on instinct, but I forced myself to remain upright.

Brutal wind lashed at us. The curls I’d worked so hard on earlier whipped around us like blades of a blender.

I was distinctly aware that the only thing keeping my nipples from the eyes of every man here was the nervous sweat that glued the tiny scrap covering them to my skin.

If only I had the guts, I’d call his bluff. Lower to my knees. Take him into my mouth in front of all his employees.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I rooted to the ground, afraid I’d topple if I moved, yet knowing Romeo would never let me fall.

“That’s what I thought, Shortbread.” His fingers coasted just beneath my dress, digging into my thigh. “I’m going to burn this outfit to the fucking ground, along with everything else I find unsuitable, as soon as I arrive home tonight. Guess you’ll be free of me after all.”

“Free?” My mouth dried. I didn’t want that at all. Quite the opposite. “Where are you going?”



“Where else would I land after I rip out the eyes of every man who used them to undress you?”

Searching his face for sarcasm, all I found was crisp blankness and a warning of what was to come.

Across the tarmac, the car beckoned me, inviting me to flee. But I refused to lose face in front of his father and colleagues. I’d never give Romeo the satisfaction.

“Aww.” I brushed invisible lint from his suit. “Scared I’ll run off with a real man? Maybe one without daddy issues the size of Viet Nam?” I ignored his hard glare. “Did I say Viet Nam? Too small. I meant China.”

“Watch your mouth.” He plowed his fingers into my hair in what might’ve looked like a tender caress from afar, but there was no mistaking the warning in his tug. “Or tonight, I’ll fuck it so hard you won’t be able to eat for a week.”

His words shouldn’t have dampened my panties.

They did, nonetheless.

More than anything, I was pathetically glad he still wasn’t done with me.

I pasted on a smile. “Try and put your dick in my mouth, baby. I’ll bite it off and fulfill your wish to never have kids in this lifetime.”