I yanked her back by the hair, refusing to lose face. “On my bed.”
On my bed?
What in the ever-loving fuck was I asking her? No woman had entered my bed since Morgan—and not by coincidence.
Sensing this as a once-in-a-lifetime invitation, Shortbread scrambled to her feet and bolted to my mattress. That train had left the station, and it had no brakes to speak of.
I shoved her down so she flattened against my duvet, head propped up on two of my pillows. Climbing on the bed, I bracketed her with my thighs, grabbed onto the headboard, and positioned my cock in front of her mouth.
She stared up at me with pure exhilaration. I was trying to punish her, and she was legitimately going to ask for seconds.
“I’m going to fuck that smart mouth of yours now, Shortbread.”
Any other woman would at least pause to think about it. Eight inches long on a six-inch girth wasn’t child’s play.
But Shortbread just opened her mouth wide. “Okay!”
I slammed into her, hitting the back of her throat. She made a choking sound. Her eyes watered.
I studied her for a second, unmoving, waiting for her to push me away. In a signature Shortbread move, she clutched my ass, drawing me closer to her.
Once she grew accustomed to the size in her mouth, she peered up at me beneath a dark curtain of lashes. Excitement leaped from her eyes.
My heart beat so fast, I thought it’d rip itself from its arteries and fall into oblivion.
I pulled out, then slammed into her mouth again.
Then again.
And again.
And again.
Soon, I was fucking her mouth without mercy.
Without a care for our surroundings.
Without a care for the fact that, in doing so, I gave her everything she wanted.
The springs of the mattress squeaked. Dallas moaned, peppered by my grunts. Noise cloaked every surface. Yet, I wasn’t half as triggered as I normally would be.
Each time my cock met the back of her throat, my balls tightened and I was sure I’d bust my load.
Dallas suckled and licked, each movement hungry, taking every inch of me like it was her favorite meal. If this was the way I reacted to her mouth, what would happen if I ever took her cunt?
“I’m going to come in your mouth, and you’re going to keep it, open your mouth nice and big, gurgle, taste, and then—and only then—swallow it. Am I understood?”
For all her disobedient ways, when it came to the bedroom, she was surprisingly good at following directions. She nodded enthusiastically.
I thrust into her mouth faster, harder, and deeper. Tears ran down her face. It gave me pause that I didn’t like seeing her cry, even when I knew it was not from sadness.
My orgasm was a thing of beauty. It had been far too long since I’d climaxed in a woman’s mouth—in a woman, period.
The amount of cum I ejaculated into her was astonishing. Enough to fill a damn Venti. Cum leaked from the corners of her lips down to her lovely throat and full tits.
I pulled back, watching her stare at me expectantly. “Open your mouth.”
She did.
More cum poured out of it. White and thick.
I swiped my index finger along the corner of her lips, taking a few drops and rubbing them against her strained nipple. The rest of the cum I gently tucked back into her mouth.
“Gurgle on it, sweetheart.”
She gurgled.
“Do you like it?”
She nodded, her cheeks tear-stained, her skin flushed.
“Let’s see if you’re telling the truth.”
I brought my hand between her legs and slid it past her thong, sinking my finger into her tight pussy. She was so wet, I could shove a hammer into her and she wouldn’t even feel it.
My dick had already hardened again, and it hadn’t even been a minute.
A smirk found my lips. “You’d let me do anything I want to you. Wouldn’t you, Shortbread?”
She shrugged, her mouth still full of my cum.
“Can I fuck you in the ass?”
A nod.
“Can I fuck your cunt and finger you at the same time?”
An eager nod.
I wasn’t going to, but it was nice to know.
I lifted a brow. “Can my friends join us?”
This was a trick question, because there was only one answer—hell to the goddamn no.
But Dallas nodded, still, a smile spreading across her face, making more of my cum drip down her chin.
I fingered the curve of her jaw, closing her mouth. “Wrong answer. Now swallow everything nice and good, and open your mouth when it’s clean.”
She swallowed a few times. Opened her mouth. Her tongue was pink. Squeaky clean.
As I admired the view, all I could think was that she’d answered yes to fucking Oliver and Zach.
I ripped myself off her, tucking my dick back into my briefs and buckling up. “Congratulations. If you wanted my attention, you got it. I’ll move back into the house, if only to make sure it remains standing and survives you.”