Her mom side-eyes me this time. “What’s the rush?”
“Mom . . .” Tuesday cautions with a smile, reaching over to grab a piece of bread to drag it through their family’s seasoned olive oil. After eating a lot over the past few weeks, I see why it’s won so many awards and sells well. She says, “It’s a quick trip, relatively speaking, between New York and France.”
New York. My girl speaks so freely about where she intends to live as if there was never a doubt in her mind that she’d be with me.
“I was thinking about getting a bigger place. Then you can visit anytime you’d like and stay however long,” I say.
Tuesday starts laughing. “Famous last words.”
Her mom’s knife clangs against the porcelain plate. Dane reaches over to comfort his wife, and says, “We’ll be there for the trial now that Carter’s been extradited on the embezzlement charges.” He rubs his forehead, trying to ease his own concerns. “The district attorney is still considering tax evasion charges—”
“I know you have attorneys and didn’t ask for my help, but I am a corporate defense attorney. Taxes aren’t my specialty, but we have an in-house attorney who can take the case and a killer legal team supporting him.” I’ve not said anything, unsure how they’d feel about me stepping in on their business. Also, my focus here has been making sure Tuesday gets better. When she’s resting or wants time to herself, I’ve been working but did enough digging on the potential charges that could be brought against them to know we can help make this go away.
He says, “They know Carter managed the accounting, and every transaction he made is logged under his employee code, but I’m worried that the DA is still considering pressing charges. Can’t we just pay the taxes owed?”
“It’s more complicated. You’re victims of Carter Bingham’s, not the government. They’ll argue that it’s your company, which means it’s your responsibility. Also, some DAs want to leave their mark on the system.”
Sofie asks, “What does that mean?”
“The government wants to make a show of things to discourage others from cheating the system. As an outsider without intimate details, I only have what’s been made public to go off of.”
With his elbows on the table, Dane cups his hands together on top. “Do you have a professional opinion you’re willing to share?”
“Since you have an attorney already, this is not legal advice. It’s just my opinion.” Tuesday is rapt in the conversation. Reaching over, I hold her hand on the rustic table. “I always recommend settling cases quickly and quietly. It’s easy to run up legal fees if you don’t get good advice. Or the charges are pressed even if you are. I think you put your best offer on the table. Make a deal and end this before you’re buried under millions in legal fees.”
Tuesday asks, “What’s the best deal they can offer the prosecution?”
“Potential prosecution,” I say. “There are no charges yet, which means there’s no case to defend. I think you get your lawyer to meet with the DA.”
“I have no confidence in him. He was handling our domains and filed the last two trademarks. He’s not a tax attorney.”
“Let me help. As I said, it won’t be me but one of my attorneys, so there will be billable hours, but he’s the guy you want to handle this kind of situation. He knows every DA in the Northeast. I can’t speak for him, but if it were me, offer back taxes paid with interest and throw Carter in for the misappropriation of funds if he wants to prosecute someone.” Silence thickens the air, so to break the tension, I shrug. “Or not. Whatever you want to do.”
Getting up, Tuesday comes behind my chair and wraps her arms around me, and then kisses me on the cheek. “I’m sure my parents are as grateful as I am.” Pressing her lips to my ear, she whispers, “Sir.”
Fuck me.
She plays dirty, knowing full well that I’ll never be able to hide the erection she just inspired.
Stretching her arms over her head, she says, “I think I’m going upstairs to rest.” Massaging my shoulders, she adds, “Take Loch’s advice and get the best lawyer you can. It’s not worth going to court if you can settle beforehand.”
“I know he’s right. I think I’m still shocked that we’re in this mess. We’ve always done business on the up-and-up, so this is tarnishing our name and reputation.”
I stand, bringing Tuesday around in front of me. “I understand your concerns. I’ll help you clean this up, and eventually, no one will care or remember.” Turning around, I take her hand and add, “Rest sounds good.”
As soon as we reach the stairs, I say, “How tired are you?”
“Let’s find out.”
We enter the room, and I kiss her, holding her to me and being gentle, which is how things need to be for now. When we reach the bed, I stop just shy of tumbling onto the mattress with her. Doctor’s orders have kept our activities on first or second base while she recovers, but that doesn’t mean the orgasms haven’t been incredible. They have. But I miss being inside her. “I want to make you feel good. Are you up for that?”