Page 4 of Raising His Angel

“So how was it having the house all to yourself for two weeks?” I ask as I start measuring out the pasta. “Did you miss me?”

Daddy scoffs and frowns back. “Did you miss me, Mandy?”

I nod emphatically. “You know I did.”

“Well, there’s your answer then.” He smiles.

“I crush this garlic, right?” Sarah asks, holding up a clove.

“Yup,” I tell her. “Mash it right up!”

Despite his long-sleeve Henley that he’s wearing, Daddy does look like he hasn’t been skipping out on going to the gym while I’ve been gone. I always wondered how the other guys at his firm felt working alongside him, considering he looks like a former football star turned lawyer.

On top of that, his face is stunning, like he could quit his current career and go into male modeling if he felt like it.

Normally, his caramel brown hair is swept back and held there with some kind of product when he goes to the office, but it’s down today and slightly shaggy and carefree, which gives him a sexy, boyish charm look that I always love and find so attractive on the days he spends at the house.

But what always gets me the most about Daddy is the way he oozes confidence more than any other man I’ve ever met in my life. Even when we first met during my court case back when I was a little girl, he just stood out among every other man around—and he still does. He’s like an ancient king trapped in a modern man’s body. I’m just constantly drawn to him.

“Can I do anything to help?” he asks, getting to his feet. That’s so typical of him. I try to do something nice for him to repay him for doing something nice for me, but he just can’t help himself; he has to volunteer to help out. That’s how nice of a guy he is. But could you really expect less from the man who took me in when I most needed it?

“You could slice these tomatoes—” Sarah starts to say, but I immediately cut her off before she can hand him the knife.

“No he can’t!” I snap, pressing him down with both hands against his muscular chest. “He can just sit there while we do all the work!” I point at him like a police officer giving him directions. “You just sit there and make yourself a drink or something. Just let us do this for you, okay?”

Daddy smirks back at me, nods, and puts his hands up like I’m holding a gun to his head.

“Okay, okay. I was just offering.”

“Yes, because you’re too nice,” I reply. “Speaking of which…have you started seeing anybody while I’ve been away?”

I really shouldn’t have just come out and asked like that, but the question just sort of slipped out of my lips on its own. Maybe it’s from having spent the last two weeks with a bunch of gossipy teenage girls, but I really want to know what Daddy’s been up to and what’s going on with his love life.

I probably shouldn’t have asked in front of Sarah either, but it’s too late now.

Sure enough, Daddy glances uncomfortably over at her before looking back to me and shaking his head. “Nope. Nothing poppin’ for me right now.”

“Aw,” I groan, feigning concern. “Why not?”

“Why not?” he chuckles. “Because I’ve been too busy looking after you, that’s why.”

His words go straight to my chest and cause my heart to start pumping at an unreasonable rate for what it should be during dinner preparation. I look back at him, but this time, I’m the one who doesn’t know how to respond.

Thankfully, Sarah breaks the silence for the both of us. “Hey, look at that! My parents are home early. They said I can grab an Uber back to the house.

“Oh, are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?” Daddy asks.

His voice is deep, gruff, and sexy. God I’ve missed it being overseas.

Sarah glances at me, then back at Daddy and smiles politely. “That’s all right. I’m sure they’re excited to see me, just like you were excited to see Mandy after she was gone for so long.”

Obviously, Sarah can sense the tension in the house and is doing her best to excuse herself. And that works for me. Being alone with Daddy is the one thing that’s been on my mind since the plane landed.

“Okay, just abandon me then, sous-chef,” I tease. “But tell your parents I say hi.”

Sarah laughs and pretends to swat at me with the garlic press. “I will.” She leans in and whispers, “And you make sure to tell me how dinner goes.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I giggle quietly back as she walks past me to the door. But all she does is smile, grab her suitcase, and step outside to wait for her ride.