Page 14 of Raising His Angel

I’m pretty sure Daddy noticed too, because once we were inside, he took my hand and kissed it like I was a princess. It was like he was letting them all know that he belonged to me—that he was taken and none of them could have him.

“Anything you’d like, baby,” he told me, loudly enough so they could all hear. “And then we’ll go home and relax.”

Home. Just to further let them know that this wasn’t some kind of sugar-daddy relationship or anything like that. I’m not his side piece or girlfriend that he keeps while his wife is back at the house. He’s taking me home after this.

“So what do you think of those?” Daddy asks me, coming over to the chair where I’m sitting, trying on a delicate pair of mauve-colored heels unlike anything I’ve ever worn before. They have an intricate strap that goes up the ankle that I’ve been playing around with and have just managed to figure out.

“I don’t know.” I smile, extending my leg for him to see. “What do you think?”

Daddy’s eyes light up as he takes a look, filling me with warmth. Nothing makes me feel better than when he focuses on me like that.

“Very sexy.”

“That’s what you said about the last pair,” I giggle.

“Well, it was true,” he grins. “I can’t help it if you’ve got killer legs that look amazing in almost everything.”

“Stop it.” I smile, feeling myself blushing. He’s been laying it on thick with the compliments since we got into the store. I don’t know why, but I’m loving it. It’s been the perfect start to the day, after how we woke up and shared the shower together, then the breakfast sandwiches we got at Gino’s just up the street, and now this wonderful trip to the shops. I feel like I’ve been swept away into a dream courtesy of Cooper, my Disney Prince.

“I think you should get these,” he tells me. He leans close and whispers, “And I think we should get out of here before I take you in the back and fuck you in one of the changing rooms.”

His words snake through me with a lustful tingle that nearly throws me backwards. “Oh my God, you’re naughty,” I whisper back as I begin to unbuckle the right heel. But Daddy stops me and looks up at one of the saleswomen.

“I think she’ll take these,” he calls out. “Is it okay if she wears them out?”

The woman’s face brightens. “Absolutely. That’s no problem at all.”

“They’re a little formal for what I’ve got on, don’t you think?” I ask him, glancing down at my jean shorts and white halter top.

“That’s what makes it such a cool outfit.” He winks. “You’ll be like one of those rich girls from Calabasas or Beverly Hills flaunting her daddy’s money. Only this time it’ll be your daddy’s money.”

My jaw drops as he slides past me and gives me a sly little pinch on the butt on his way to the register. I don’t even know what to do with myself as I watch him hand the saleswoman the box my heels came in and then his card. She also rings up the top that she’s been holding for me and places it in a gorgeous bag with the boutique’s name on it.

I finally snap out of my stupor and come up beside him as they’re finishing checking out and take the bag from her.

“Here you go,” she says with one of those knowing smiles women give to other women that lets me know she approves of what I have with Cooper but is also a little jealous. “Enjoy.”

“Oh, I will.” I smile back.

We step out of the boutique, Daddy’s strong hand around mine, my pussy throbbing with desire as he leads me toward the car parked up the block. My whole body craves his. I had him just hours ago, and I still need more. That’s the effect he has on me. It’s brutal.

I can’t even make it all the way up the block before I’m pushing him up against the wall to kiss him. His body is so strong and firm it’s like trying to push a giant, but he lets me because he knows what I want and he wants it too.

There may be passersby, but I kiss him in full view of everybody, and I’m pretty sure I hear a guy down the street call out and clap. “Hell yeah!”

We both laugh, breaking our embrace.

“We need to get back to the house,” Daddy whispers.

“Yeah, we do.” I nod. But then something over his shoulder catches my eye. An incredibly beautiful woman is marching straight toward us.

She’s wearing a tight black dress that’s a bit formal for not attending an event, but it’s also insanely sexy and shows off her incredible curves in a big way. She also has a pair of matching black heels that are clopping on the ground with every one of the precise steps she’s taking in our direction.