“Such a gentleman,” I say, following him over to my seat. This is true, but he doesn’t bother hiding his gaze as he drags it up my naked body as he takes his chair across from me. And although I feel myself blushing again, I have to admit that I absolutely do not mind. In fact, I love it.
I watch as he twists his first bite of my meal around his fork and places it in his mouth, remembering just how incredible his lips felt when he had them between my thighs.
All he’s doing is chewing, but there’s something so sensual about it. I’m slightly on edge as I watch.
Will he like it? Did I do as good a job as the restaurant did? I know I don’t have that one secret ingredient, but it can’t make that big of a difference…can it?
Seconds later, Daddy’s eyes light up.
“Mmm, Mandy, this is good.” he says happily. I take a deep breath of relief. “You did a great job!”
“Really?” I ask. “You’re not just saying that?”
“Come on,” he chuckles. “Would I lie to you?”
“I don’t know,” I reply. “I mean…you are a lawyer.”
Daddy sets his fork down and gives me a playful frown. “Now that’s hitting below the belt.”
“You know, Sarah asked me if I’d ever been naked in the hot tub. Now I can tell her I have.”
I smile at Mandy from across the water, the tan humps of her bountiful breasts peeking over the bubbles. She’s like a goddess lounging in front of me, both of her arms spread out on either side of her, the tips of her hair wet from the water, her gorgeous green eyes fixed on me making me feel like the luckiest man in the world.
Every second I look back, I feel myself falling deeper and deeper for her—deeper and deeper in love with a girl I should not be in love with. But goddamn it if I’m not finally letting it happen.
“Really? You never snuck in here one night when I wasn’t home?” I ask her.
“And how often was that?” she counters. “You were always so responsible.”
I laugh. “Well, that’s true. Up until now, I guess.”
Mandy tilts her head down and gives me the naughtiest look imaginable. I feel myself getting hard beneath the water. “Oh? Are you feeling like a bad man, Daddy?”
“What do you think?” I smile.
She giggles. “Doesn’t that make it even more fun?”
I wonder if she has any idea how much raw sexual energy she gives off. She’s driving me absolutely crazy, and I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself now that I’ve given in to her.
“Is that why you got that tattoo?” I ask. “Because it was naughty?”
Mandy’s eyes flash, and she bites her lower lip. She’s absolutely adorable. So sexy. I could just watch her for hours.
“Partially,” she says softly. “But it’s not just any tattoo, Daddy. It’s your name.”
I grin at her across the hot tub. “And here I was thinking I was looking after a good girl.”
“Would you like me to be good, Daddy?” she asks, giving me innocent eyes that I know she’s faking.
I shake my head back at her. “You know I don’t, baby. Not after what happened tonight.”
Truthfully, I should be giving her a talk right now about how what we did was wrong—about how it can’t happen again and how we need to go back to our previous relationship where I am her legal guardian, and she obeys everything I say.
But I just can’t do that. I’ve tasted the sweet paradise that is Mandy—both literally and figuratively—and there’s no going back now.
She lets out a little happy squeal and pushes herself through the water and over to me and into my lap. My cock has been pretty much hard this entire time, but as soon as I feel her soft little body against mine, it turns into a rod of hard steel between my legs.
This is the life. Relaxing here in the warm water with a gorgeous girl in my arms, holding her perfect ass with one hand and cupping one of her breasts with the other.
“You know…technically…now that I’m eighteen…” Mandy says slowly, “you’re not even really my legal guardian anymore. You’re just some guy I live with. A really, really sexy guy I live with.”
I stare back at the girl who has been fueling fantasies of mine since she has been old enough to have a body capable of causing my cock to get as hard as a rock. Christ, how had I not even thought of that until now?
“Yeah, I…I guess you’re right,” I say back just as slowly. “Although I don’t know how many other people are going to see it that way.”
Mandy’s lips twist into a sexy smile. She turns in my lap and mounts me, then reaches between my legs and wraps her fingers around my cock.