Elizabeth could see the wheels turning in her friend’s brain and knew a very unique treat would soon decorate the display case at Little Cakes. Clutching the gift, she said, “I better get back to Nibbles & Bites. Can we talk on the way, Ellie?”

“Of course,” the baker agreed.

“Ladies,” Maniac called out, “if you change your mind about a logo tattoo, let us know.”

“Doesn’t it hurt?” Ellie whispered, looking at the intricate designs covering Maniac’s skin.

“Most people think it’s uncomfortable in the beginning, but then they like it. People come here for tattoo therapy. It’s addictive. For some the prick of the ink going under your skin is almost soothing,” Tatiana answered.

“What was your first tattoo?” Elizabeth asked, fascinated.

“See this heart right here?” Tatiana held out her wrist. “I got this for my first serious boyfriend. There was a word inside but I inked over that. He definitely wasn’t a Daddy.”

“Your tattoo said Daddy?” Elizabeth was surprised.

Ellie and Elizabeth glanced at each other. Elizabeth felt like she could read Ellie’s mind. Tatiana’s a Little? As she considered that possibility, she deliberately looked away.

“Did you have a Daddy?” Ellie asked.

“I did once,” Tatiana admitted.

Elizabeth winced. “I’m sorry he wasn’t a good guy.”

“Me, too. But that was a million years ago. Maybe someday, I’ll find the perfect guy.”

“Or he’ll find you,” Elizabeth suggested.

“Maybe.” Tatiana shrugged her shoulders. “Aren’t you dying to know what’s in the package?”

“I am. Thanks for holding it for me.” Elizabeth turned and tried to walk sedately out of the shop but almost tripped over her own feet when a knock sounded on the door. They all stared at the entrance but no one entered.

“Before you leave, I think you’re supposed to open that here,” Maniac called from his area.

“Really? Okay.” Elizabeth turned back to the counter. Carefully opening the small package, she wondered what in the world it could be. The only thing inside was a printed set of lips pursed in a kiss.

“Aw! That’s sweet,” Tatiana said, looking at the scrap of paper.

“This is so weird. What’s he doing?” Elizabeth wondered aloud.

“Who knows. Men in love do crazy things sometimes,” Tatiana answered with a smile.

“Especially Daddies, Little girl,” Maniac called.

Elizabeth registered that he’d called her Little girl. Does that mean he’s a Daddy?

“Hey…” She looked back and forth between Maniac and Tatiana. He’s a Daddy. She’s a Little. Are they together?

“We’re business partners, Elizabeth,” Tatiana explained with a smile, reading her thoughts.

“Oh. Sorry. Thanks again.”

Elizabeth hurried out of the tattoo parlor with Ellie right behind her. Her friend didn’t seem to have anything important to say as they walked into Elizabeth’s restaurant.

Her shoes squeaked in protest as Elizabeth froze, looking around.

Balloons in the shape of number ones decorated the tables. Several of her Little friends from Blaze—those who were shop owners from the strip center—stood in the dining room of Nibbles & Bites. They grinned at her shock. Most important of all, one devastatingly handsome man waited for her in the middle of the room. Elizabeth flew to him when he held out a hand.

Wrapping Elizabeth in a bear hug, Tom lifted her feet off the floor and twirled her in a circle. He set her down gently and kissed her lips in a much briefer kiss than she wanted before she remembered everyone was watching.

“Later,” he whispered to her and she grinned at him. Leave it to her Daddy to always know what she was thinking.

“You did remember!” she said in astonishment, keeping her voice low so only he could hear. “I was so sad because I thought you’d forgotten our anniversary. Wait! Aren’t you super busy today?”

“Yes, I did remember. No, I didn’t forget. I just needed some time to gather everyone together. And yes, I am maxed today, but I’ll always make time for you. My Little girl is more important than anything else. So is our relationship. I don’t ever want you to doubt that I love you,” Tom told her, focused only on Elizabeth.

“I love you, too!” she rushed to tell him. “I won’t be silly again and think you aren’t paying attention.”

“Feelings are never silly,” he assured her. “If I ever miss something important to you, let me know instead of being sad. Okay?”

“Okay,” she agreed and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Go, Daddy. Finish all your deliveries and we can celebrate tonight?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Go thank all your friends who abandoned their shops to dash in and help us commemorate our first month anniversary.” After one more quick smooch, Tom stepped back and waved to everyone.

“Thanks for being here.” He started to dash to the door but Ellie stopped him and handed Tom a small cupcake box for the road. He grinned and thanked her for the treat.

With that delivered, Ellie approached Elizabeth with another container. “Here’s the last Sweet Tooth cupcake for a while. I wanted you both to have one.”