“I’ll talk to her about it, but I think she’s happiest being my only stuffie.”

Tom kissed her on the forehead and closed her door firmly.

When he slid in behind the wheel, Elizabeth asked, “Does it bother you that I’m older than you are?”

Turning in his seat to look at her, Tom answered, “No, Bunny. I wouldn’t care if you were fourteen years older than I am. The seven years that separate us doesn’t make any difference to how much I love you and how much I need to take care of you. You’re my Little girl.”

“Even if I get gray hair?” she probed.

“What happens if I get a potbelly? Will you love me less?” he asked.

Rolling her eyes at the thought that this fit man would ever have a pouchy tummy, Elizabeth answered, “Silly! I don’t love your stomach. I love you.”

“What? You don’t love my stomach?” Tom asked in mock shock, putting his hands on either side of his torso like he was covering his stomach’s ears.

“I do like…” Her voice trailed off as she studied his muscular form. There wasn’t any part of him she wouldn’t mind exploring. Instantly, something naughty flashed into her mind.

“What did you just think of?”


“No lying to Daddy.”

“Can I ever kiss you? You know, there?” Elizabeth pointed toward her Daddy’s shaft.

“You are absolutely going to kill me, Little girl. This is going to be the longest twenty minutes home I’ve ever driven,” he said, adjusting his pants and starting the car.

Chapter Eighteen

From the moment her eyes opened in the morning, Elizabeth waited for him to say something. Tom chatted with her as if it were a normal day, but Elizabeth knew it was special. Dragging her feet, she gave him all the time she could before racing to work.

As the day progressed, she watched her phone, looking for a message to appear. The lunch rush started and she checked her cell before it got too busy. Nothing. Elizabeth tried not to mope around the kitchen and feel sad. It obviously wasn’t that big of a deal. To him.

They’d just reached their one-month anniversary together. Elizabeth had been certain he’d remember and celebrate the momentous event. But Tom seemed to think it was a Wednesday.

When the back door of Nibbles & Bites opened, Elizabeth turned to greet the delivery person, hoping it would be her Daddy.

“Hi, Bunny! Got a big load for you today. Want me to put everything in the walk-in for you?” Tom offered, looking harried.

“Are you busy?” Elizabeth asked.

“Maxed today. One of the other drivers is out sick, so I’m trying to deliver her route as well. You should see my truck. It’s jammed full,” Tom told her.

“I’m so sorry. Just leave it here by the door. We can handle all the crates from there,” Elizabeth assured him as she stripped off her gloves and approached.

“I could use a kiss to keep me going, Elizabeth.”

She puckered her lips and rose onto her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. Instant desire flared between them. Dropping to her heels after several seconds, Elizabeth stared into his sparkling blue eyes. He did love her. She knew it. Maybe their one-month anniversary wasn’t that important.

“Are you two at it again?” Tina joked as she walked back into the kitchen.

“Always.” Tom dropped a quick kiss on her lips before stepping back to finish hauling in the vegetables. When he finished, Tom waved goodbye before he dashed out the door. “Don’t forget to unload those after lunch.”

Elizabeth tried not to be disappointed. Her Daddy hadn’t wished her a happy anniversary yet. She expected it when they woke up, but he’d just kissed her good morning as usual. Now, he’d made his delivery without mentioning it. Somehow inside, it felt like a huge deal that he didn’t recognize the date.

When the lunch rush was over, Elizabeth turned her attention to preparing for the following day. There were several ingredients and dishes that would improve if allowed to marinate overnight. Elizabeth picked up the top container of carrots and noticed a daddy carrot, sitting on top. Tom always did this now to tease her. That made her feel a bit better. He’s thinking of me.

Not needing carrots at that moment, she lugged the crate into the walk-in refrigerator before turning back to the boxes. Elizabeth finished organizing the first group of supplies before looking at the top box on the second stack. It was labeled onions but some of the letters had been scratched out and others added so it now read, Open me!

How had she not noticed this? Curious, she carried it over to her workspace. The container was very light. She pulled off the top and found a wrapped present inside with a small label that said, Buried Treasure! Elizabeth gently unwrapped it and found a small plastic container shaped like a bunny’s head.