Elizabeth reached her fingers between them and stroked the bundle of nerves rapidly.
“Good girl. Make yourself come. I want to feel your tight pussy gripping my cock before I let go.”
She picked up the pace, rocking into him with every thrust until she finally tipped her head back and cried out her release.
Tom followed on her heels, emptying himself into the condom.
They were both panting as he wrapped his arms around her still wet body and held her against his chest. He wasn’t ready to pull out yet. He wasn’t sure he would ever be ready.
Chapter Seventeen
Nervous, Elizabeth reached over to wrap her fingers around Tom’s powerful thigh. He patted her hand instantly and wrapped his fingers around hers.
“Are you ready to go play?” he asked, glancing over at her as they drove to Blaze.
“I’m scared, Daddy. What if they don’t like me?”
“Then we leave or we go to a different part of the club if you want to explore.”
“You won’t leave me?” she asked, leaning toward him.
“I won’t leave until you give me a sign that you’re ready for me to let you interact with your friends without me,” her Daddy assured her.
“What kind of sign am I supposed to give you?”
“Hmm… I guess we need to choose something that we’ll remember. What do you think?”
“I could sneeze,” Elizabeth suggested and theatrically demonstrated it.
“What if your nose gets itchy?”
“Oh, that wouldn’t work well.”
“Bunny, let’s make it easy.” Tom pressed his thumb to his last two fingers on one hand and arched the other two up to make a rabbit. He wiggled the ears at her.
“Ooo, I’d never do that by mistake. It’s adorable. Let me try.” Elizabeth practiced the hand gesture and giggled. “It’s so cute, Daddy. I love this idea.”
“Now my Bunny can clue me in with a bunny,” he joked.
“That’s perfect. I can’t forget that.”
“Would you like to go in and see everyone?” Tom suggested.
Elizabeth held tightly to Tom’s hand as they approached the front door of Blaze. She really didn’t know what to expect when they walked through the doors. To her relief, someone familiar greeted her inside.
“There are a few Littles who hoped you would show up tonight. I’m glad to see you, Elizabeth,” Tarson told her gently before shaking Tom’s hand. The immense baker from Little Cakes introduced himself as the dungeon master and asked them to let him know if they had any questions or concerns. He helped them get their memberships squared away and all their possessions stowed in a locker before giving them a tour of the facilities. The last stop was at a half walled-in area where several Littles waved eagerly.
“Hi, Elizabeth!” Ellie called. The others echoed her greeting.
When she entered the protected area, Elizabeth was swarmed with Littles in cute outfits who hugged her. There were a few she didn’t know who didn’t work at Little Cakes or in one of the stores in the strip mall.
“I don’t know if I can remember everyone’s name. There are more Littles than I expected,” she admitted.
“There are Littles popping up like rabbits,” Riley said with a smile. “There are a lot of us around. Let’s make nametags so you can learn everyone’s name.”
Within minutes, everyone sat around two square tables pulled together. Using colored pencils and crayons, everyone decorated their name on a sticky name badge as they chatted. Tom sat next to Elizabeth just as he had promised.
When they finished their nametags, each affixed the sticker to their outfit. Elizabeth scanned the creative displays and immediately felt better. Ellie had decorated hers with cupcakes while the others had added unique touches as well.
“What do the stuffies on your nametag mean, Rose? Do you have a zoo of stuffies?” Elizabeth asked.
“She owns the Stuff-It store in the mall. Have you ever been there?” Daisy asked. Her name tag was filled with flowers. Elizabeth loved her floral shop along the strip. Daisy had even gotten her pansies to sprinkle on a spring salad recipe.
“I haven’t been there. I have a stuffie already,” Elizabeth admitted, noticing that a couple of Littles sat at the table with their well-loved stuffies.
“What’s your stuffie’s name?” Rose asked.
“Hortense. She’s a hippopotamus,” Elizabeth shared.
“That’s a perfect name,” Tori cheered. “I’d love to meet her sometime if you’d like to bring her.”
“I’d like that. Hortense loves being with me.”
“Of course she does. Just like your Daddy does,” Sue suggested.
Elizabeth looked around the room and noted that several other Daddies stood talking in different clumps. They seemed as eager to talk to each other as the Littles were. She peeked at Tom who finished making vegetables on his nametag and stuck it to the pocket of his shirt.
He immediately leaned close to ask, “Are you okay, Bunny?”
She nodded and pressed a kiss to his cheek before whispering, “I’m okay, Daddy. You can go talk to the other men if you’d like.” She made a bunny head with one hand as they’d planned.