Keeping the bottle in one hand, she reached for him. As he picked her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She hoped he would let her keep the bottle for a while.
He snagged the phone and carried her to a large recliner in the living room where he settled with her straddling his lap. “How about if I rock you while you finish your bottle. Maybe you’d like to watch some of the playback from our video?”
She nodded as she twisted around so he could cradle her, leaning back in his arms and bringing the bottle to her mouth when she was satisfied with her position.
He hugged her close. “Do you have any idea how adorable you are, Bunny?”
She shook her head, making her pigtails fly. “Show me, Daddy.” She pointed at the camera. Maybe she should be embarrassed to see herself in her Little space, but that wasn’t the emotion she felt right now. Not in her Daddy’s strong arms after being fed and babied all through dinner.
She was confused when Daddy picked up the television remote from the end table and turned it on. He pushed several buttons on the remote before switching to tap his phone screen a few times.
Finally he smiled down at her. “Look.” He pointed toward the TV.
Elizabeth gasped as she realized what she was seeing. Daddy was playing the video he’d just taken on the giant screen. Larger than life. There she was, flushed and squirming, strapped in the highchair seat with her hands attached beneath the tray.
She could hardly blink as she watched, mesmerized by her reactions all over again. She remembered how hard her nipples had been when he’d put that bib on her and wiggled all over again in his lap as her breasts grew heavy again.
When she glanced at his face, she found him watching her instead of the video. He didn’t need to watch the playback. He was still experiencing every second of this scene even now as he rocked her.
He gently took the bottle from her hand and held it for her, bending forward to kiss her forehead a few times.
When the bottle was empty, he set it on the end table and slid a hand under the front of her dress to pat her tummy. “I think my Little girl enjoys some time in a younger headspace.”
She nodded, squirming in his arms as his fingers grazed the undersides of her breasts. She hoped he wouldn’t consider it topping from the bottom if she asked for what she craved more than Sweet Tooth cupcakes right now. “Am I still in trouble for running last night, Daddy?”
“Of course not, Bunny. When Daddy disciplines you with a spanking or any other punishment, the slate is wiped clean.”
Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I’m so very horny, Daddy. Please could we have sex now? I’m wet and tingly, and I think I’m going to implode soon.”
He chuckled. “How about if you let me make all the decisions for a while longer. I promise you the night will end with my cock buried inside you.”
She grinned. That was all she needed to hear. She didn’t mind being aroused for long periods of time as long as she knew he would let her come in the end. The uncertainty had been driving her bonkers.
“Let’s move to the nursery. I’ll read you a story in the rocking chair. After that, I’ll give you a bath and then we can have adult playtime in Daddy’s bed before I tuck you in for the night.”
She nodded enthusiastically, once again relieved that he knew exactly what to do to make her evening perfect.
Chapter Sixteen
Tom hadn’t foreseen the evening going quite the way it was playing out, but he wasn’t the least bit sorry. He’d taken his cues from her every step of the way, watching her closely to see what she needed. Her headspace was just so damn young tonight.
It was possible she needed this kind of special time after what happened last night. Either way, he’d followed her lead, starting with the diaper and adding the babyish dress. When he’d seated her in that booster seat and felt her pulse tick up, he’d added the restraints and then the tray.
She’d been breathing so heavily as he’d included pigtails and a bib. He was pretty sure she’d been so aroused the entire time that she couldn’t see straight.
He’d only meant to take a picture so she could see herself, but she’d gotten so damn squirmy. And holy mother, she’d fidgeted as she’d stared into the camera lens.
When he’d glanced at her to find her staring at the sippy cup while biting her lip, he’d felt like she could have just as easily been screaming at him to give her a bottle.