“But… I’ll be good from now on,” she promised.

“I know you will. Count the last five spanks with me.”

By the time she breathed “five,” Elizabeth was completely aroused and needed to come. “Please, Daddy.”

“Naptime for my Little girl while I make dinner,” he announced, helping her scoot back off his lap to stand next to the chair.

Kneeling at her feet, he stripped off her jeans, shoes, and socks before pulling her Nibbles & Bites T-shirt off and stripping the beige bra beneath it off to leave her completely naked. Tom cupped one of her breasts and brushed his thumb across her erect nipple. Elizabeth squeezed her thighs together as the rush of arousal further warmed her intimately.

“In your crib, Little girl.”

He crossed the room to smooth the rumpled covers her abrupt wakening had caused and lifted the corner for her to crawl in. She scrambled under the sheet with Hortense, hoping she didn’t flash him any sign of her slick juices. Elizabeth knew it would take her only a few caresses to explode. She didn’t argue with a nap. The privacy would give her time to pleasure herself when he left.

Tom closed the blinds, shutting out the view of the woods behind them and making the room dark. She resisted the temptation to touch herself while he was busy. He grabbed something white from the dresser and returned to the crib.

“Right hand, Bunny.”

Curious, she sneaked her right hand from under the covers and held it out. He slipped a thick bag over her hand and secured it with the snug hooks and pile fastener.

“What’s that for?” she questioned, turning her hand around.

“Other hand,” he requested.

When that hand was enveloped as well, he lifted her covers to tuck her hands back by her sides. His hand stroked over her tummy and cupped her mound, feeling the wetness and heat. “Those no-no gloves will keep you from touching. Daddy will help you orgasm when you earn a climax.”

She stared at him aghast as he replaced the covers around her and Hortense before tucking the comforter and sheet tight around her body, swaddling her in place. How did he know? Elizabeth brushed one glove against her skin. It cushioned any caress. That wouldn’t ease her need. Perhaps she could use her teeth to open the binding.

“Naptime, Little girl. I’ll come wake you up when it’s time to get up.” Tom pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Be good. I’ll hear you take off your gloves.” He nodded toward a baby monitor shaped like an elephant on the dresser.

“You can listen to me?” she whispered.

“Yes, Little girl. Daddy needs to know everything about you. Now, close your eyes and be good for Daddy.”

She slammed her eyes closed. I’ll never be able to sleep.

"Time for dinner, Bunny.” His hand smoothed over her torso as he tried to coax her out of her nap.

“I slept?” she asked incredulously.

“You did. What a good girl.” Tom swept the covers off and stroked down her body to cup her mound once again. “We’ll need to get you freshened up before I dress you.”

Scooping her into his arms, Tom carried her to the changing table. “Spread your legs for Daddy,” he instructed and watched patiently until she slowly followed his directions.

Popping open a large container of wipes, Tom cleaned the skin of her upper thighs. The arousal flashed back to life at his touch. She tried to keep herself from getting wetter, but her body responded eagerly to his touch.

“You are very wet, Little girl,” he said, stroking a fresh wipe through the pink folds of her pussy. “Don’t come, Bunny. You’ll have to earn that privilege back.”

“How do I do that?” she wailed, wiggling her punished bottom on the changing table before freezing. The sting only made her more aroused.

“Daddy will take care of you.”

Elizabeth held her breath and peeked up at him. Did that mean he would help her come? Tom rubbed over her mound reassuringly before pulling a thick diaper from the stacks below. Shocked, she didn’t fight him as he secured it snugly around her waist.

“And some cute, ruffled panties to make you even cuter,” he announced, showing her the fanny side of a sky-blue diaper cover. Several rows of small ruffles decorated the back of the garment.

He threaded them over her legs and pulled them into place before finally removing the mittens from her hands and stowed them in a drawer of the changing table. “Okay. Let’s go have dinner.”

“Can I have a shirt?” she whispered, waving a hand over her bare breasts.

“I don’t want you to get cold. Let’s see what’s in the closet.” Tom pulled out a loose-fitting short garment. “Here’s a pretty dress that will match your panties.”

“This is a dress?” she asked, mumbling through the material as he pulled it into place. Elizabeth tugged at the hem, before looking over her shoulder. It had to barely cover the ruffles. The thick material felt weird between her legs as she squeezed her thighs together.