When she’d relinquished the cupcake box, Tom held it carefully in one hand and helped her up into the truck before handing it over for her to balance on her knees. He stretched the seatbelt around her and stole another kiss after leaning over her to click it into place.

A honk sounded behind him, making Tom remember he was parked at the curb. Reluctantly, he stepped back and closed her door before jogging around the truck to slide behind the wheel. “Hold on. I have just a couple of stops to make and then we can head to the family area of the farm.”

“I think it will be fun to see what you do,” she said enthusiastically.

Tom drove to the next location and suggested, “You wait for me in the truck. It will just take me a second.” He rolled down the windows to allow the breeze to flow through the car.

“Take your time.”

Once in the back, Tom hauled all the delivery items to the back of the truck and jumped down to start loading everything on the dolly. He noticed Elizabeth watching him in the truck’s large side mirror. His job was physical and honed his muscles into shape. Tom might have flexed his muscles a bit more than necessary to impress her. He liked that Elizabeth seemed as attracted to him as he treasured her.

“Do your arms or back ever get sore?” she asked when he was finished with that drop-off.

“Definitely. I do this every day though, so my body is used to it.”

“What’s the heaviest thing you have to haul around?” she asked.

“Hmm… Maybe a hundred-pound bag of potatoes?”

“I don’t mind putting some muscle cream on your back or wherever it hurts,” she offered.

“Thank you, Bunny. I might take you up on that someday.”

The next stop was close, and Tom finished the day’s work quickly. “Ready to deliver the cupcakes?” he asked.

“Maybe I should just leave your family alone for a while. You know, let them forget I called you Daddy.”

He reached over to cover her clenched hand on one side of the box. “They’ll be glad to see you and everyone in my family has a sweet tooth. They’re perfect for their dessert tonight.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

To distract her, Tom asked about the funniest thing that had happened at Nibbles & Bites that day. Immediately, giggles and pink cheeks answered his question.

“There were not one or two but three carrots in your delivery that had…” she hesitated for a second before whispering, “penises.”

“I grow them like that, Little girl. Those are the Daddy carrots. They appear in a crate when you’ve been good.”

“No way. Nature just did that,” she protested.

“Maybe.” He let his voice drift away to cast doubt.

“Daddy!” she protested, and giggles filled the cab once again.

Tom winked at her as he turned into the driveway leading down to his folks’ house and the warehouse just past it. “If you’re good, I’ll show you where that patch is some time.”

He could tell from her face that her absolute refusal to believe him was faltering. Her expression revealed how hard she was thinking about whether Daddy carrots could exist—especially if he had a special area where he grew them. She didn’t have time to worry about being back at his family’s home while he parked.

After opening her door, Tom took the cupcakes and set them carefully on the hood before scooping Elizabeth out of the truck and gently setting her on her feet.

“Are those really Little Cakes?”

They turned to see Margaret in the doorway, rubbing her baby bump.

“They are. I brought them to sweeten your day,” Elizabeth explained as they picked up the box and walked forward.

“You are an angel in disguise! I’ve been craving frosting all day. I swear this child must have the biggest sweet tooth ever.”

“That’s the name of these.” Elizabeth laughed, obviously tickled by the coincidence.

Tom breathed an inward sigh of relief. Everything was going to be okay. He whispered, “Thank you,” to Margaret when he passed her on the way to the kitchen.

“We love her already, Tom. She’s a keeper.”

She definitely is.

Chapter Fourteen

Feeling so much better as they headed for Tom’s home, Elizabeth relaxed against the seat. His family had devoured the cupcakes, and no one had treated her differently. They obviously didn’t care about her slipup and were delighted to see her again.

“I like your family.”

“Good. I like them, too. We’ll see a lot of them with me working for the family business,” he admitted. “Our house will be our private space. They’ll respect our need to spend time together.”

When she nodded that she understood, Tom said, “You’ve never told me about your family. Are you close to them?”

Pursing her lips for a second as she thought, Elizabeth admitted, “My family is completely different from yours. My parents are divorced and remarried with other children. They’re nice to me when I visit, but I really don’t fit with either family. I’m the outsider.”