Looking for me? Why would he be looking for me?

Elizabeth blinked several times, speechless.

Susan pulled her phone out of her pocket, but she did so while guiding Elizabeth toward the couch with a hand on the small of her back. After tapping the screen, she spoke. “Thomas, dear. I’m at your house. Elizabeth is here… Yes… Okay.” She hung up as she sat on the couch.

Elizabeth stood rooted to the floor. Her feet were bare. She had on the sundress from yesterday. Her hair had to be a mess that extended out in every direction. There was probably a ring around her lips from the pacifier.

At that last thought, she covered her mouth and took a step back.

“Oh, honey, come sit with me.” Susan patted the cushion next to her. “Let’s talk.”

Elizabeth shook her head. She was about to burst into tears. She spun around and fled the room, running toward the hall bathroom. As soon as she shut the door, she looked in the mirror.

Yep, she’d sucked that pacifier so hard there was an indentation around her lips that would be there for a while. “Shit,” she muttered. This couldn’t be happening.

She used the toilet, washed her hands, and splashed water on her face several times. When she opened a drawer, she found a brush. Thank goodness Margaret and Mary kept a number of things in this hall bathroom.

Five minutes later, Elizabeth felt slightly more human, but how long could she hide out in the bathroom?

“Honey? Please open the door. I want to talk to you.”

There was no way for Elizabeth to continue being rude to Tom’s mother. She’d already done a lot of damage. At least she could also apologize to Susan before Tom arrived. Then she could tell him how sorry she was and get out of here.

She needed to call Stacy and…what? She never called in sick. She was sure Stacy could open for her and maybe Tina could come in too. Tina had said she wanted more hours. Elizabeth could surely get out of here, go home, clean up, and get to work before the lunch crowd.

“Honey, I know you’re embarrassed, but there’s no reason to be. No one is judging you, Elizabeth. Please open the door?”

Elizabeth finally unlocked the door and slowly eased it open. She took a deep breath. “I’m truly sorry for my behavior last night,” she said without looking the woman in the eye. “I don’t know what came over me. I hope you won’t blame Tom for my oddness. He’s a great guy. I’m the one who’s—”

Susan reached out and stroked Elizabeth’s cheek. “Little?”

Elizabeth’s breath hitched. She lifted her gaze.

Susan was smiling so kindly. “No need to apologize for who you are, honey. There’s nothing wrong with being Little.” She took a step closer, filling the doorway. “I understand because I’m Little too.”

Elizabeth’s heart stopped. She blinked several times. Her mouth fell open, but no words came out.

Susan nodded. “So is Mary. The gene skipped Margaret, but she would never kink shame anyone. She’s known about her sister and her mother for many years.” Susan shrugged. “She’s still submissive. Her husband is a strong Dom, but they have a different dynamic. I don’t fully understand theirs, and she doesn’t fully understand mine, and that’s fine.”

Elizabeth swallowed hard. She thought she might faint.

“I assume you ran off because you were embarrassed?”

Elizabeth nodded. “Mortified.”

Susan smiled before she took another step closer and pulled Elizabeth in for a hug. “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. I hate that you felt that way. No one in our family will ever judge you for living your life the way you’re most comfortable.” She leaned back and held Elizabeth by the shoulders. “I’ve suspected Tom took after his dad for years, but we never specifically discussed it until last night. I’m so glad he found the perfect woman to be his soulmate.”

Elizabeth gasped. She shook her head. “I’m not perfect. I’m a mess. I can’t be anyone’s soulmate. I’m sure he’s furious with me.”

Susan shook her head. “He’s not angry, Little one. He’s scared and so worried about you.”

“Where is he? I came over to apologize and he never came home.”

“He spent the night outside your apartment. It never occurred to him you might come here. He refused to leave until you came home. He was probably close to calling the police because he was so worried.”

Elizabeth fidgeted her fingers in front of her, staring down at them. “I didn’t mean to scare him,” she murmured. “I was waiting for him, and I fell asleep. I wanted to apologize.”

“Come on. Let’s get you something to drink. I bet you’re thirsty.” Susan threaded her fingers with Elizabeth’s and led her toward the kitchen.

Elizabeth was struggling to think what to say. She was too stunned to piece this all together. Susan was Little? So was Mary? They knew? They didn’t care?