Sure, it had only been a few days, but I thought about him all the time. Cute little things he did that would make me mushy inside. For absolutely no reason I would sit around and watch him, something he noticed. He’d say, What? And I’d be like, Nothing or Can’t I look at you, gorgeous? And then he’d visibly get weak in the knees or flush the way he did when he was feeling some kind of something because of my praise, and he’d forget I was a creepy weirdo who wouldn’t stop staring at him.

I couldn’t help it, though. It was a weird-ass feeling to want more with someone for the first time. To feel that connection, that spark I’d never experienced. It was addicting. On the one hand, I got what people were talking about—it made me feel good, like I was lit up from the inside. On the other hand, it was annoying and made me feel dumb, and I wanted it to go away.

This was a fucking disaster.

And yet I didn’t do anything to make it go away, instead spending even more time with him, and now I’d invited Vaughn over to meet him.

“I made a cake for tonight,” Parker said when he got home from Beach Buns. He took his shoes off right in front of the door, and I put them on the rack before following him over to the kitchen counter.

“What kind?”

“Just a chocolate whiskey cake with salted caramel drizzle.”

I cocked a brow. “Oh, just that, huh?”

He set the cake down, pulled his jacket off, and tossed it on a barstool. I immediately grabbed it.

“Shit. Sorry. I suck.”

“Quite well, something I hope you’ll do tonight,” I teased. We’d only slept in the same bed that one night. He never invited me to his and always left mine afterward. It wasn’t ideal, but my super romantic husband wasn’t in… In like? Whatever it was, he wasn’t in that with me.

“It’s fine,” I told him. “I’m used to your messy ways. I got you a laundry basket for your bathroom!”

He grinned. “Romance totally isn’t dead.”

I kissed his smile. “No, it’s not.” I smacked his ass. “Now go get ready. Vaughn will be here soon.”

“Is there something wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Nope, absolutely not, but I also know you, and no way you wouldn’t want to shower and change. That’s not how you work.”

Surprise flared in his eyes. “I…well, yes, but…”

I laughed. “See? I pay attention. I’m a great husband, beautiful.” Leaning closer, I brushed my lips over his ear. “But not as much as my good boy, who only has to walk into the room to get me hard. See?” I rubbed my erection against Parker, making him whimper.

“Oh God. Don’t get me horny before Vaughn gets here.”

“We have time for a quickie.”

“No, we don’t!”

He ran for the stairs, and I playfully chased him. We played these silly games all the time, and they were so much fun. I didn’t remember doing things like this with other men I’d dated, and if I did, it didn’t have the same effect.

“Help, my husband won’t leave me alone!” Parker joked as his feet pounded up the stairs. I stayed at the bottom, laughing at him.

“We should play predator and prey!” I called after him.

“Oh my God! So hot!” Parker replied before I heard the bathroom door close.

I hung his coat up, rearranged things that didn’t need rearranging, and some fifteen minutes later when Vaughn arrived, I was still smiling.

“Hey, man. How’s it going?” Vaughn asked.

“Good. Parker has cake.” Vaughn waggled his brows, smirking, which made me realize how that sounded. “He made a cake, you asshole.” I hadn’t planned on a meal, and just had some finger food and a charcuterie board prepared.

“Interesting…” Vaughn said as he went into the living room.

“What’s interesting?”

“The fact that your husband is the first thing you mentioned.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just because you’re here to get to know him.” But really, why did Vaughn have to get to know him? We might be dating, but as far as Parker was concerned—and okay, if you went by what I’d said in the beginning—we’d still be divorcing anyway, so why should it matter? Dating didn’t mean we planned to stay married.

“Where is your man?”

“Upstairs, getting ready.” Though he should have been down here by now. I was surprised he wasn’t. It didn’t usually take him this long. The last time it had was the day he met my parents. Shit. “Grab a drink. I’m gonna go up and check on him.”

“Okay, but just so you know, if it takes too long, I’m coming up. No hanky-panky without me.”

“Did you really just say hanky-panky?” I teased.

“It gets the point across.”

I went upstairs. Parker was out of the shower, the bathroom door open, and his clothes in the basket I’d put there for him. Of all the stupid things that could make me grin, that shouldn’t be on the list, but it was.