“I can’t. I’m sorry. I’d get into trouble.”

“Please…” he begged. “Please make me come.”

My cock jerked, my teeth grinding together. I wanted so bad to give him what he asked for, but instead, I lowered my mouth to his ear. “It’s killing me not to sink into that pretty, perfect little hole. I want it so bad, but you have to be a good boy. Once we finish our date, if you want my cock, I’ll give it to you.”

“Fuck…I hate you…that’s so unfair.”

“That’s not very nice to say to your husband.” I touched him again, massaging his ass, his thighs, his calves, and then back up again.

Parker fidgeted, made needy noises that just turned me on more.

We weren’t even done yet, and this was hands down the best date I’d ever had.



My legs still felt like Jell-O when we left. Elliott hadn’t let me help clean up. Oddly, he was sticking to this pampering thing. I couldn’t wrap my head around why he was doing it, why he would go to all this trouble for me, but it felt really, really good…even if I was dying to come and he didn’t let me.

“You don’t have to do this, you know,” I said when we got into the car. “All the spoiling. I’m sure it’s not your idea of an exciting date. Also, I have blue balls.”

He chuckled. “Actually, it strangely is my idea of a great date. Who knew? Plus, you deserve it. I’m doing it because I want to.”

“Oh,” I replied, quiet for a moment while Elliott began to drive. I wasn’t used to this. I was used to ending up in cuckold situations, getting cheated on, or just not being the person someone wanted. Not that Elliott really wanted me—we were having a good time together and I didn’t expect it to be anything more—but this was sweet, romantic, the kind of stuff I’d dream about doing for a man I loved or the man I loved doing it for me.

Stop. Do not pass go. End that line of thinking right this moment!

I shouldn’t even let myself think that word—the L word—when it came to Elliott. I mean, I knew I didn’t love him, but I couldn’t let myself be open to even the possibility of falling into like with him. Enjoy him as a person? Yes. Friend? Yes. Great guy to date? Also yes, but I needed to keep this in the box it belonged in—enjoying our marriage until we divorced. Allowing myself to get hurt again wasn’t an option.

“Uh-oh,” Elliott said.

“Uh-oh, what?”

“You’re making that cute, scowly face. Usually you only do that when I’ve done something wrong, but I know I haven’t.” He reached over and brushed his thumb against my temple. “So that means you’re all up in that pretty head of yours. Can’t you just enjoy this?”

I should. I did enjoy it, but I also didn’t know how to turn off my thoughts. “I’m having fun.”

“Yes, but you’re thinking a lot too. I’ve noticed it’s a thing you do.”

“That I think? Is that bad?”

My question earned me another chuckle. “Only sometimes.”

“Where are we going now?”

“To dinner at the sushi place you love—Sticky Rice.”

Okay…interesting. “How did you know there’s a sushi place I love?”

“I’ve been listening to old episodes of The Vers. To learn more about my husband.”

I smiled. Ugh. Why was I smiling? He was so charming and endearing, something I hadn’t expected…or hell, maybe I had. Maybe that’s why I didn’t tell him to leave me the hell alone months ago. “You’ve called me that quite a bit tonight.”

“It’s what you are.”

I sighed. “Yes, I guess it is. Wanna hear something funny?”


“The only sushi I eat is California rolls. But oh my God, they’re my favorite. And Sticky Rice makes the best teriyaki chicken too.” My stomach growled in the quiet car.

Elliott laughed. “Clearly you’re hungry, so I should hurry.”

I grinned, pretending not to feel the butterflies in my gut. I’m just enjoying this. That’s all I’m doing. “Tell me more about you. I don’t have a podcast to learn about all your quirks.”

“Hmm. More about me… I too love California rolls, but my sushi palate is more varied than yours.”

“Well, aren’t you mister cultured,” I teased.

“Yes, yes I am.”

“What else? Do you read?”

“No, but it’s cute to watch you get lost in your romance novels. I don’t know if you realize it, but you sigh and swoon a lot. Sometimes I’ll glance over and you’ll have this dopey grin on your face. Maybe I should download one of them to figure out what the hell I’m doing wrong.” He winked.

“Oh my God. Shut up. I don’t do that.”

“You totally do.”

“I’m never reading around you again. Also, I’ll give you titles.”

“How-to guides on wooing Parker Hansley. Sign me up.”

I rolled my eyes. “You don’t really want to woo me.”