“Then you would be too,” Vaughn replied.

“No, I wouldn’t. I can do things without him.”

He picked up his phone and did something on it before holding it up, and there Parker was on The Vers Instagram page, his head dropped back laughing, while Declan and Marcus each had an arm around him. Sebastian was there too, playfully on Corbin’s back. I’d already known how close the Vers guys were; that had been clear from the moment I found out who they were. But seeing this, it was also obvious how Sebastian had fit into their group. They’d all accepted him and loved him because they loved Declan.

Would they do the same for me? But then, why should they?

“And?” I asked, trying to ignore the unfamiliar tightness in my chest.

“Nothing. Just making an observation.” Vaughn opened his menu. “How’s the dating-your-husband thing going?”

I shrugged. This felt like a trap where anything I said, Vaughn was going to take it to mean something else. “We’re just having fun.”

“Have you fucked him yet?”

“Jesus. He’s my husband. Do you have to say it like that?”

A loud burst of laughter fell from Vaughn’s lips.

“You asshole.” He’d said that just to get a rise out of me, trying to prove whatever point he was trying to prove. The thing was, I didn’t know why we hadn’t fucked yet. We lived in the same house and were dating and married. We gave each other orgasms on the regular, but neither of us had taken that step. We also didn’t sleep in the same bed.

“I’m giving you shit. You know I’m giving you shit.”

“Yes, I’m just trying to figure out why I like you.”

The waitress came, and we put in our order. I got salmon and a salad because I really was eating like shit ever since Parker had moved in. There were now always sweets around the house. So far, I hadn’t been able to say no to any of them.

When she disappeared, Vaughn said, “You know it’s okay if you really start to like this guy, right?”

“I’ve never really liked anyone before.”

“That doesn’t mean you won’t. Maybe you’re demiromantic. Maybe you just never found the right one. Maybe it’s him, maybe it’s not. I just think you’ve been weird about Parker from the start, even just from how you pursued him for a whole damn lifetime, trying to get him to go out with you. It’s different, and as your best friend in the world, I approve.” He grinned. Vaughn could come off a little harsh or uncaring sometimes, but he really was a good man.

“Thank you. I’m glad I have your stamp of approval.”

“What are friends for?”

We got off the subject of Parker after that, but the truth was, I couldn’t stop thinking about what Vaughn had said. I hadn’t ever considered I might be demiromantic, probably because I’d never fallen for anyone. That bond, that something a little different and special had never been there, so it would’ve never occurred to me. I wasn’t saying it was there with Parker, but maybe that was an option for me. Or maybe marriage had fucked with my mind, which seemed the more likely answer because Vaughn had also been right about how I was with Parker.

When I got home that night, Parker wasn’t there. I stayed up for a few hours, but he still hadn’t returned. Did I text him? As soon as the thought hit me, I wanted to bang my head against the wall. He was an adult. I didn’t need to babysit him, and he wasn’t my actual husband in the ways that mattered.

I made sure to leave a light on for him so he could see when he got back, then made my way upstairs to my room. Once I was naked and in bed, my cell buzzed, and I breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw Parker’s name, which was…over the top? Again, what did I think had happened? He was hanging with his friends. I knew he was okay.

Parker: Hey…hope I don’t wake you. I would have messaged earlier, but I lost track of time. We’re all staying at Marcus’s tonight. Sebastian brought wine *smile emoji*

Me: Is everything okay?

Parker: Yeah, just some personal stuff with Corbin. I wish he would just shut down his damn social media accounts. He cares too much what other people think.

I didn’t know Corbin, but I’d made it a point to look at the guys’ social media after Vaughn told me who they were. Corbin posted photos almost daily—gym shots, shirtless shots, photos of him in his jocks. He had sponsors and promoted exercise apparel.

Me: Shit, that sucks. People can be harsh. Anything I can do?

Which was a dumb question. What the fuck did I think I could do?

Parker: No, but I appreciate your asking…I’m tired. It’s been a long day.