Now wasn’t the time to think about that, though. Elliott’s parents walked down the porch steps, holding hands. As soon as I saw them, it was immediately clear where Elliott had gotten his looks. They were both gorgeous, his dad fairer skinned than his mom. They both had brown hair like Elliott’s, his mom’s long and shiny. The closer they got, I could tell he also had his mom’s brown eyes, his dad’s wide smile, Elliott’s golden skin tone a mixture of theirs. “Do I have to get out?” I asked.

“It would be nice,” Elliott mumbled, before adding, “you got this,” as he climbed out of the car.

I took a deep breath, knowing I couldn’t delay this any longer.

“Mom, Dad…this is my husband, Parker Hansley. Parker, these are my parents, Catalina and Malcolm Weaver.”

Husband, husband, husband. I was still hyperfixated on that word. “Hi! It’s so nice to finally meet you both! Elliott has talked about you so much!” God, was I shouting at them? Why was I shouting at them?

“Unfortunately, he didn’t grant us the same privilege about you,” his dad replied, making my back stiffen.



Catalina said, “We don’t mean any offense to you, Parker. We just wish we’d known the man who stole our son’s heart before we found out you were married from the internet.”

“I know,” Elliott said. “I’m sorry. I already admitted the wedding wasn’t planned the way it should have been. I just…got caught up in the moment. We had the perfect night, and I…” Elliott reached over, placing his hand at my nape, tickling me with his fingertips. “I got swept away in him.”

The beat of my pulse shot up and sped out of control. That had sounded so fucking real, like something about me had entranced him, and…it was fake, fake, fake. I couldn’t let myself get wrapped up in this story, let myself believe it was the thing I’d always dreamed of. I didn’t like Elliott that way, and I couldn’t allow myself to let go of that truth. Otherwise, I would only end up getting hurt.

“Yeah, um…me too. I have so much fun with Elliott, and I didn’t want it to end…” Ugh. Why did I have to enjoy him? That part was true.

“Ever,” Elliott added. “I know it wasn’t how you imagined my marriage would start. I hate that you had to find out the way you did, but we’re here now. You’re going to love him, but don’t tell Parker I said that.”

I rolled my eyes because that had been a little cute. “He gives me too much credit. And you should hear him at home. All he does is complain about how messy I am.”

“You’re a disaster.”

“He’s exaggerating.”

“He’s lying.”

“You sound just like the two of us.” Catalina grinned. “Also, he gets that from his father. Always makes a mountain out of a molehill.”

“I do not!” Malcolm countered.

“Yes you do.”

“No I don’t—holy shit. They do sound like us.”

“And I’m always right.” Catalina patted him on the shoulder.

I loved them already.

She reached for me next, hugging me before Malcolm did the same. I froze a bit, not having expected it, but Catalina didn’t seem to notice, hooking her arm through mine. “Come on, Parker. I want to know everything about my son-in-law.”

She sounds like such a mom. The thought was absurd. She sounded like one because she was one, but Christ, did it make me miss my own, make me wish she could be here. Would she be as accepting of Elliott as Catalina was of me?

I knew she would, and again, I needed to remind myself that this wasn’t real.

“I noticed Elliott introduced you as Parker Hansley,” she said as we made our way into the house. “Does that mean you decided to keep your own last names? Or has my son not told me yet that he’s changing his last name—which is fine, by the way. Whatever is right for the two of you.”

Holy shit. How had we not thought about last names? How the fuck was I supposed to answer this? “We’re still discussing it. For now, we’re going to keep our own,” I rambled, hoping I sounded believable.

“I thought about doing the same when Malcolm and I got married. I didn’t want to lose my culture from my name. But things were different back then, and while I love being a Weaver, I wish I was at least a Delgado-Weaver. That’s why we gave Elliott my surname as his middle.”

“That makes sense. While I like the thought of taking my husband’s name, I don’t think I’d want to lose Hansley. Would that bother Mr. Weaver?” Whoever my future real husband turned out to be, I wanted to keep that tie to my mom. To both my parents.

“Please, call him Malcolm, and you can call me Cat. And no, he would be supportive.”