Eventually, Elliott said, “I love sunsets over the ocean.”

I looked out the window, the sky painted with pinks and oranges where it met the blue of the water. Wow. We’d been talking for a while.

“It really is beautiful here. Crazy expensive to the point that sometimes I wonder why I stay, but I couldn’t leave Declan, Marcus, and Corbin.”

He frowned. “Are you struggling?”

“No more than anyone else. Marcus is all about investments, so he’s helped, and The Vers is a good revenue stream for us. Sometimes I just hate it that you have to make so much money to live in a place that’s this beautiful. I wish it was more accessible for others.”

He smiled. “You’ll like my dad. I know what people say about politicians, and I agree with a lot of them, but having grown up with him, I know how much he really does want to help people, and how much he’s tried. Equity is important to both him and Mom. I’ve been donating time and money for as long as I can remember. We work food kitchens every Christmas and have my whole life.”

I thought that would be surprising to me, but it wasn’t. I could see Elliott trying to help those less fortunate than himself.

“My mom also runs a large fundraising event for victims of domestic violence every year. It’s in a few months.”

“That sounds amazing.”

We watched the sunset, ate our tacos, and shared random bits of information about ourselves and our families, but on a more conversational level than before. Earlier it had felt more like a checklist when we were trying to get our story straight. Now we were two men out to dinner, just talking, the way we had been when we’d gotten really fucking drunk and gotten married.

“I’d like to buy your dinner,” I told Elliott when the check arrived. I could see in his eyes that he’d wanted to do it, but he nodded in agreement and let me.

Afterward, we strolled along the small pier I was sure both of us had been down a thousand times over the years. It got cooler, and at one point Elliott started rubbing his hands up and down my arms. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to warm you up. I’d think that’s obvious.”

“I know, but we’re not… This isn’t…”

“Would you argue if one of your podcast guys did it?”

“Well, no.”

“Then shut up.”

I laughed. “You’re such a brat.” But I really was cold as fuck, so I wasn’t going to argue with him.

Elliott said, “I wish there was a Cuban place close by. I’d take you for Cuban desserts. They’re my favorite. Have you eaten many? I don’t know if that’s something you make.”

“I don’t. I made some in school, but not much since.”

“You’re missing out.” He led me to the side of the pier, and we leaned against the wooden railing.

“I love the beach. When we were kids, Declan, Marcus, Corbin, and I used to spend all our summers at the water. We called ourselves Beach Bums—like saying we were bumming around, but really, we were checking out hot guys.”

Elliott laughed. “Your friendship is pretty amazing. When did you come out?”

“Middle school. I never hid it well. Declan tried to fight people who gave me shit.” I got lost in the memories.

“I’m glad you had them.”

“Thank you. Me too. So…know what I love to ride?” I asked. He opened his mouth, and I pressed my hand to it to shush him. “Don’t even think about saying your cock.”

“Holy shit. We really are married. You can read my mind.”

I rolled my eyes.

“You have to admit you left yourself open for that one,” he said, and yeah, I had.

“The Ferris wheel.”

“Oh, cool. It’s right over there. Have fun…though I also don’t want to be a widower, so you should keep your feet on the ground.”

“What? Are you afraid of heights?”

“No. I just don’t like them.”

I chuckled. “Me big man. Not afraid.”

“Exactly.” He pulled back.

“What? I thought you were fun. Ride the Ferris wheel with me.” It was silly, wanting to do this with him, but I did.

“I thought you were fun. Why would you want to ride the death trap?”

I shook my head. “Fine. Whatever. I don’t really want to make you do something if you’re scared. Maybe we can find a merry-go-round.”

I didn’t know what came over me, why I was suddenly being so playful with Elliott. When he didn’t say anything, I poked my bottom lip out dramatically and crossed my arms.

“Shut the fuck up. You’re so spoiled. Let’s go.” Elliott grabbed my wrist and began tugging me toward the line. “Elliott, save me from an asshole ex-boyfriend… Elliott, have a crush on me… Elliott, want to have sex with me and risk your life and limb on a ride that’s not even fun?” His words had been spoken in a high-pitched, teasing voice.