“Yes, I love to annoy you. And you are again…?” Corbin teased, earning himself an eye roll from Declan.

“Declan Burns, The Loner.”

Corbin winked at him. “Don’t sound too excited, Monotone Molly. Oh, I was thinking—”

We all groaned at the same time. Corbin thinking was always a dangerous thing and usually resulted in something absolutely ridiculous.

“Please don’t,” Marcus told him.

“Shut up. You’re mean. This is fun. We need to come up with a combo name for Parker. The hyphenated one is too long. I vote for Parker Wansley.” It was clear he was biting his cheek to keep from laughing.

I looked around for something to throw at him, but when I couldn’t find anything, I settled on saying, “You’re not calling me Parker Wansley.”

“Parker Heaver?” Declan asked.

I punched him in the arm. “Why are you entertaining this idea?”

“Hansley-Weaver is a mouthful,” Marcus said.

“Hey! That’s what my date last night said about me!” Corbin joked, earning a second round of groans.

God, I loved them—loved us. Every day I woke up unable to believe my life was real. I had the best friends in the world and a husband I absolutely adored. And he felt the same about me, even if I did still leave my clothes all over the house. A secret, though…sometimes I left them there just so he could watch me pick them up and then tell me how good I was. I would always be a praise slut for him.

“I’m sorry, man,” Marcus told Corbin when we’d all settled down. “It sucks when someone you’re with lies to you.”

“Um…you’ve seen my penis.” Corbin looked at us. “Do you guys want to see it too?”

“What! No.” Declan shook his head.

“Wait,” I said, “why has Marcus seen your penis? And why are we calling it that?”

“Because we’re professional adults.” Corbin snickered. “You and Dec don’t show each other your dicks?”

So much for professional adults. “What? No. I mean, I guess I might have seen his accidentally at some point, but this doesn’t sound like the same thing.”

Marcus rubbed a hand over his face. “Oh my God. Why the fuck do I hang out with you guys? It wasn’t anything sexy. This dumbass let someone put a cock cage on him, and the guy took off with the key. I had to help him get it off, and when I did, well, let’s just say Little Corbin got excited to be free.”

“Big Corbin, and what the fuck, dude? You said you wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“You brought it up!” Marcus argued.

“Also…Levi, wherever you are, fuck you.” Corbin flipped off the mic as if anyone other than us could see him.

“Wait, you…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence without dissolving into laughter.

When Marcus and Declan joined in, Corbin said, “I was experimenting!” before he was cracking up too.

As always, it was Marcus who reeled us in. “All right, let’s get back on track.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Corbin told him.

“I want to go first! Elliott and I finally nailed down a wedding date! We’ll get married on the first day of summer next year.” I appreciated that no one gave me a hard time about planning the ceremony—at least no one I cared about. There were comments on The Vers social media accounts, people wondering why we were having another ceremony and why we were waiting so long. We played the first part off by still letting them believe the first one was for love, but we wanted a ceremony with our family and friends. As for waiting until next summer, I only planned to do this once—well, once other than Vegas—and I wanted our wedding to be exactly what Elliott and I envisioned. Plus, Cat fucking loved this shit. We’d robbed her of the experience the first time, and neither Elliott nor I wanted to do it again. She and I were always talking wedding plans.

“Let me know if you need anything,” Marcus said, and I grinned.

“You mean like your house?” I waggled my brows. His place was large enough, and he had private beach access.

“Anything for you, Parker Wansley-Heaver,” he teased.

I mouthed a quiet “Thank you” to him before we continued with the episode.

It had been an interesting summer, to say the least. Sebastian had been gone for most of it, traveling all over the world to promote Bound and Determined. Declan had gone to some events with him. We’d all attended the LA and New York premieres, but Declan joined him for the London one too. They’d done a bit of exploring for a couple of days before Declan had to return home, and they were now planning a trip to Italy next summer.

Sebastian still hadn’t taken on any other roles, but he was writing a second screenplay—while still unsure what he wanted to do with the first. I had a feeling the next movie he appeared in would be one of his own.