Elliott said, “Tell me fun stuff, happy stuff about you and your friends…and about you and your family before you lost your mom.”

I smiled into his chest, rubbed my cheek on it.

We stayed up all night talking, trading stories, sharing our history. It was one of the best nights of my life.



We spent a lot of time together over the next couple of weeks. We didn’t talk about what we were doing, and frankly, I tried not to think about it.

Parker moved from where he’d been curled up on the other end of the couch, reading, to lie on top of me. He nuzzled his face into my throat. “I like the way you smell.”

“I think that’s the cinnamon from your baking.” I wrapped my arms around him. He made me feel like a marshmallow. Like I was nothing but gooey softness inside. I was probably supposed to hate it more than I did.

“You don’t smell like my apple cake.”

“You love apples and anything apple flavored.”

He peeked up at me. “How do you know that?”

“You seem to forget I stalked you for a year before I married you.” He rolled his eyes but smiled in that sweet way he did. He fucking loved it, and I loved saying and doing things to make him look at me the way he did now. “I pay attention.” I fingered a lock of his short hair that rested on his forehead. “I like knowing stuff about you, filing it away so I can find new ways to do nice things for you.” It made me feel good, like nothing in my life ever had. There was a whole lot I enjoyed before Parker, but it hadn’t made me feel the way he did.

“You really like spoiling your lovers, don’t you?”

I shook my head. “I like spoiling you. This is very much a Parker thing.”

Something in his body language changed, like a stiffness settled into his bones. Small worry lines formed around his eyes.

“Okay…call me crazy, but that should have scored me some points. That was really fucking sweet and romantic. You like that romantic shit. What’s wrong?” I slid my hand down to his bare ass. He was only wearing one of his jocks, and it was nearly impossible not to touch him.

“Don’t hurt me, Elliott.”

I didn’t respond straight away because I wasn’t sure what I could say. Hurting Parker was the last thing I would ever want to do. I’d work my ass off to make sure that never happened, but didn’t he know I was scared too? That I didn’t want to be hurt either? And that I had no idea what the fuck I was doing?

“I’m not feeling real confident with the delay here,” he said, and damned if that didn’t make me smile.

“What would a proper romance hero say? Your wish is my command?”

“I read gay romance, so you’re supposed to be like, I would burn down the whole fucking world for you! And then we’d screw each other for the rest of the day.”

I grinned. “I’d burn down the world for you, husband. Now come here so I can fuck that pretty hole.”

“Swoon!” he replied, then let me do exactly as I’d said, over the back of the couch and minus the rubbers, which we were no longer using.

We were sweaty and breathing heavy afterward, and I kissed his throat and said, “I don’t ever want to hurt you.” Don’t hurt me either. Say it. Why couldn’t I say it?

“Thank you for not making promises you can’t keep. None of us can.”

“I’m very good at husbanding.”

“I’ll give you an eight out of ten,” he joked.

“Lies.” I kissed him. “Let’s take a shower.”

When I tried to walk toward the stairs, Parker held me back. “Tomorrow there’s a party at Sebastian and Declan’s. Dec doesn’t really do parties, but Bastian likes that kind of thing, so Declan planned it for him. Bastian will be starting promo soon for the last movie he shot, Bound and Determined. They’re having a get-together at their place. I know it’s last minute, but would you want to go with me?”

I smiled.


“You really do like me. You’re asking me to meet your friends.”

“Ew. Gross. I do not.”

“Parker has a crush on me, Parker has a crush on me,” I sang playfully.

“If I did before, I don’t now.” He smiled, but then his gaze darted away. “Go with me.”

“I would love to accompany you to the ball.”

“You’re doing fairy tales again. Who knew romance hero was so hard?”

I tried to look smoldering when I replied, “There’s nowhere I wouldn’t follow you…”

“Okay, now you really sound like a stalker.”

“Yes, Parker. I’d love to go with you. It might be hard to keep my hands off you all night, though.” I grabbed his ass, slid my finger into his crease, and felt my load there.