“Do it, cariño. Give me your cock. Never had something so fucking perfect inside me.”

Aaaaaaand, that was really hot. I grinned, and it felt like it took over my whole face. No one had ever made me feel like this, like I was so damn important to them. I knew it was just the praise kink he’d discovered in me, but sometimes…sometimes it felt like more than that.

I pressed into him, felt his ass stretch and open up for me. His body was so hot, his hole so tight, his eyes so intense on me that it felt like Elliott could see inside me.

“Fuck yes. So good. I knew your cock would fill me just right.”

I loved how much Elliott talked during sex, loved how much it got to me. I pushed into him more, kept going until I was buried deep. I watched him, never took my gaze off his as I pulled back, then thrust forward again. I fucked him like that, savored the feel of his ass squeezing my dick.

Elliott slicked his hand and began to jerk himself off. He told me how good I felt, how much he wanted me, that it had never been like this before, which made me lose my rhythm.

Sex talk, it’s only sex talk.

Not real, not real, not real.

“I can’t even explain what it’s like being inside you raw… I might never want to stop fucking you,” I admitted, feeling freer in this space.

“Who said you have to, beautiful?” he asked, which made my balls draw up. I fought off my orgasm for as long as I could, thrusting into him over and over. The second his hole contracted around me, when Elliott arched, cum spurting up his chest, I gave in, releasing my balls inside him.

I lay between his legs afterward, needing to see. “Can I?” Elliott knew what I wanted, so he rolled to his back and opened his legs. I lifted his balls, saw my cum slide out of his puffy, swollen hole. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. “Can I just lie here for a while?”

“You can lie there all night if you want.”

He laid his legs out flat, and I rested my cheek on his thigh, face close to his groin. Elliott played with my hair, the two of us just lying there breathing.

“What does it mean? Cariño?”

“It’s comparable to sweetheart or dear one.”

That was…special. I didn’t know why it felt different from other nicknames.

“The jock in school, the one I used to sneak around with, the one I said was worse than the others? Well, basically he hid me, wanted me to suck him off, made me think he cared about me. It turned out bad, the way shit like that always does. My friends know about that part, but they never knew what he said to me.”

“What did he say?” Elliott asked, his voice thick, like the question had been hard for him to ask, maybe because he was afraid of the answer.

I hesitated. “Fuck, this is hard to repeat.”

Elliott caressed my cheek, gave me space and time before he said, “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want, but you can tell me anything.”

In that moment, I believed him, and I wanted to share with him, wanted to unburden myself because I knew Elliott would make me feel better. “He told me that no one would ever really want me. That I was nice for a good time, but it wouldn’t ever be more than that. He was so hateful. I don’t know why he was so mean to me. In some ways, I know it was just him and his issues, but how do you forget those words? How do you unhear them? Especially when you’ve had the kind of luck I have.” My face was wet, my eyes blurry. I swiped at the tears. “Shit. I don’t know why I said that.”

“I really, really want to fucking kill that guy,” Elliott said. “Tell me you know he’s an idiot piece of shit and doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.”

“Sometimes.” Some days were better than others. Being alive was difficult and nuanced.

“You gotta know by now that I’m crazy about you, beautiful.”

“I’m crazy about you too. It’s annoying as shit.”

Elliott chuckled. “You took the words right out of my mouth.” He began playing with my hair again. This was so complicated. So maybe we liked each other and were dating, but we didn’t love each other…and we were married. We couldn’t stay married because there was a crush—and that was only if what Elliott was feeling was even true. Maybe he just liked the sex and would eventually be over it. Regardless, we couldn’t keep up this marriage shenanigan forever. “We’ll figure it out.”

“Okay,” I replied.

He pulled me up and kissed me, and I let myself rest on him, lying on his chest.