It felt much more special than it should.

* * *

“Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, this is my husband, Parker.” They were about ten years older than my parents, and not our favorite people. Honestly, they were a bit judgy, but they were very wealthy philanthropists who donated tons of money. As much as it sucked, sometimes you had to play the game.

“It’s so nice to meet you.” Parker held out his hand, shaking each of theirs. I’d been introducing him this way all night. I couldn’t even remember how many times I’d called him my husband.

“It’s so nice to meet you too,” Mary Leigh said. “We couldn’t believe the news when we heard it. We never thought Elliott would settle down.” Unfortunately, that was something we’d heard often tonight. I was pretty sure everyone at the event had made it their life’s mission to make Parker want to divorce me, or at least never to trust me.

“So I’ve heard,” Parker snipped, which was different from how he’d responded before. Uh-oh. My hand was at the small of his back, and I brushed against it with my thumb, as Parker said, “Though for the life of me, I can’t understand why everyone is telling me this. My guess is he’d never settled down because he hadn’t met me yet. And now he’s mine.”

I smiled a ridiculously and likely comically large smile. The Leighs’ mouths dropped open. I probably shouldn’t enjoy this as much as I did, but that ship had sailed. “Yes, I am,” I replied, glancing at Parker in time to see that he looked like he might get sick. That put a bit of a ding in my excitement.

It was awkward after, and the Leighs didn’t stay long, making their excuses. The second they were gone, Parker rushed out, “Oh my God. I’m so sorry! Was that rude? I didn’t mean it to be, but Jesus, how many times do people have to say that to us? Yes, I get it, no one thinks this is real, but you’re my husband. Can’t they have a little respect?” I laughed—not the best reaction, which was proven when Parker gave me his angry scowl. “Be nice to me!”

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. “I’m sorry. I like seeing you get defensive on our behalf. It’s giving me a bit of a chub if I’m being honest.”

“Don’t get hard,” he said quietly. “We’re at your mom’s charity event!”

“I can’t help it. You get inside my head, beautiful. And I like hearing you call me yours.”

He stiffened against me but didn’t pull back or let go. “Your mom is going to hate me.”

“My mom hates them. She’s not going to hate you.” I had to admit, I loved that he cared. “In fact, she might like you more than she does me.”

“No. She adores you. It’s so sweet. Every time she texts me, we end up talking about how wonderful you are—well, let me rephrase. She talks about how wonderful you are while I pretend not to gag.”

I chuckled, running my hands up and down his back. Parker wrapped his around my neck, and we rocked together to the music in the background. “She adores you too.”

His eyes darted away. His voice was low when he asked, “Do you think she’ll still like me when we divorce? I mean, that’s probably a stupid question. Why would she even have anything to do with me?”

God, he was so fucking sweet. He had this big, throbbing heart that just longed to be loved. “Hey,” I said. When he didn’t look at me, I hooked my thumb beneath his chin and tilted his head up. “She’s not the type of person who will cut ties with you. We’ll still be friends when this is over, and she’ll still adore you. I promise, beautiful. I don’t think you realize how special you are.”

The past four months had flown by. We only had two more before Parker would be off searching for the man who would really sweep him off his feet, the man he would love and want his happily ever after with.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Parker asked, resting his cheek against my heart.

“You can tell me anything.” I wanted him to tell me everything, wanted to be that person for him.

“I didn’t want to let myself see that you’re special, but how could I not?”

My heart thumped against my chest, against his cheek, and I wondered if he could feel it. “Oh, beautiful, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until I really turn on the charm.”

He laughed, his body vibrating against mine, and eventually we were both doing the same.

We held hands the rest of the night. Every time I saw Mom or Dad, they would smile. Everyone else, as if knowing not to fuck with us, kept to themselves any snide comments.