“I do too. What do you think I’ve been doing? Who doesn’t want to woo the guy they’re dating?”

The thing was, Elliott was very good at it. He was already sweeter than any guy I’d dated. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. Can’t promise I’ll answer, but you’re free to ask.”

“You’ve really never been in love?”


“Never wanted more from someone? Felt that…pull to them, something different inside you when you look at them, talk to them, or think about them?” Elliott was quiet, and I worried I’d overstepped or offended him. “I’m not judging you. I promise. I’m just curious. I’ll never admit this again, but you’re very good at dating. You pay attention, and that’s rare. I’m just surprised that someone who puts in so much effort has never felt something more for someone.”

“I didn’t take offense. And I think it’s a combination of things. I’ve never been in love, or felt close to it. I’ve never wanted more with someone, and I’ve always been okay with that. I never had romance and a family as one of my goals. But I didn’t spend my life actively trying not to make it happen either. In my head, it was just a thing people did one day and eventually I’d probably do it too, but I wasn’t in a hurry to find that person. I enjoy my life. Occasionally I do wonder if it’ll ever happen for me. According to the strange set of rules we seem to have as a society, I know that at my age, I should have already found someone I’m at least interested in pursuing more. I just never have. I guess we’re all different.”

“Yeah, I guess.” My chest was tighter all of a sudden. I didn’t want Elliott to be alone, which maybe made me a dick if he did want to be. Everyone’s idea of a happily ever after was different, but…I wanted more for him. “Well, just so you know, you’d be very good at it. If you do ever find that person, he’ll be lucky to have you.”

He pulled into the parking lot and glanced my way. “You like me.”

“Ew.” But I did, more and more. “Also, just because we’re here, I hope you don’t think you get to stop talking about yourself now.”

He steered the car into a spot, then looked at me. “I love talking about myself, beautiful. And I’m gonna win you over eventually.”

I didn’t tell him that in some ways, he’d already won me over.

* * *

We stayed at the restaurant long after we finished eating. When Elliott said he liked talking about himself, he meant it. That didn’t come as a surprise, but what did was that where before I’d thought he was full of himself, I realized it wasn’t that. Okay, it wasn’t completely that. He was cocky, and that was okay, but there was more to him.

Elliott cared about people. He wanted to put good into the world. He was funny, which I already knew, and he was a motocross fan, which I hadn’t. He loved camping and going to Big Bear, and he always had to sleep on the right side of the bed, even if he wasn’t home.

And now he was telling me more about how he and his family did a lot of work for domestic-violence survivors because Malcolm’s mother had been a victim, as had Cat’s sister.

“Mom does a charity dinner event every year. It’s in about a month, and I’m hoping my husband will attend with me.”

“Oh, she did mention that a couple of times. Yeah. Of course I’ll be there.”

“Good. You know how I like attention. It’ll help to walk in with the sexiest date.”

I couldn’t help but bite my bottom lip, my stomach light and fluttery. He was so good at making that happen. “Stop trying to get me hard.”

“Is it working?” He licked his lips, and there was definitely something stirring down there.

“Yes. This has been an awesome date, but can we go home now so you can do what you told me you’d do?”

“But I had more pampering to do.”

Yes, please was the first thought that went through my head, but that was more dangerous than sex. That’s what would play tricks on my heart. If I planned to come out of this unscathed, I needed to keep things in check.

“I promise I’m worth it. It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone inside me. It should probably be my husband.”

“Check, please!” he called out, making me laugh.

We laughed most of the way home, both of us joking and teasing about how horny we were. “When was the last time for you?” he asked.

“Oh God. Well, I was dating this guy, and it turned out to be a disaster. It was right around the time when I was considering going on my break from men and sex. I hadn’t told the guys yet, and I didn’t share this part with them afterward, so I’ll kick your ass if you tell them.”