Guilt twisted my insides into knots, but then…Elliott and I were dating now, so in a way he really was mine. “Thank you, Dad. He’s… I’m lucky to have him.”

Elliott smiled, and damned if it didn’t make me happy that it was him I was stuck with in this situation. No matter what happened in the future, he was a great person. He cared about people and wanted to do right by them. I could have gotten tangled up with someone a lot worse.

“Eh, I think I’m the lucky one,” he answered, looking at me with a softness in his eyes that if I didn’t know better, I would have fallen for. I knew the rules with Elliott. That was one thing I had with him that I didn’t with other men I’d dated—no expectation or possibility of more. Maybe that would make it easier.

Dad cleared his throat. “I’ll be right back.” He slipped outside to check the steaks, but I knew him; he needed a moment.

“He’s not as quiet as I expected,” Elliott said.

“He’s not as quiet as usual. It’s a nice surprise.” Between my dad meeting my husband in different circumstances than what I’d imagined, talking about my mom, Dad saying he was proud of me and also sounding like he’d felt left out with me and Mom, this evening had me feeling raw, like each moment was cutting me open somewhere different. Nothing dangerous or too deep, just enough to let me know it was there.

“What about you, beautiful? How’s my perfect, sexy, gorgeous husband doing?”

My eyes were drawn to him, pulse speeding. “Laying it on thick, don’t you think?”

“You love it.”

I did. “Thank you…for everything. I don’t know if I’ve thanked you. I know this situation isn’t ideal for either of us, but…well, it could be worse.”

“Aww, baby. Is that your way of saying you actually like me?”

“What? No!” I answered playfully.

“It’s okay. I think you’re all right too.” Elliott leaned in and nuzzled my neck, his stubble rough against my skin, ridiculously making my dick take notice. I was clearly a horny, sure thing. “Look at you. I can tell you want me just by the way you tremble. Don’t worry, I want you too. I can’t wait to make you come. I’ll worship your pretty body all fucking night.”

“Elliott…” I groaned. “Do not give me an erection at my dad’s house.”

The words had just left my mouth when the sliding glass door opened. I jerked away from Elliott like I was a teenager who’d just gotten caught.

Dad didn’t make eye contact, and his cheeks were pink. “It’s just about done.”

“Sorry,” I said, fairly certain I was blushing too.

Dad was quieter through dinner and the time we spent visiting afterward. He did seem to like Elliott, which felt like both a good and a bad thing. They talked about basketball too, and planned for the three of us to get tickets to a Lakers game together.

It was getting late, and Dad went outside to clean up the grill. Elliott had to go to the restroom, so I showed him where it was before I said, “I’m gonna go outside and talk to Dad for a minute.”

“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

I nodded, then left him, sliding the door closed behind me.

Dad smiled when I got outside. “Your mom would have loved him.”

He was right. She was full of personality the way Elliott was, both of them able to be comfortable and fit in, no matter the situation. “Yeah.” I grinned. “She would have.”

“You seem happy,” he added, making my gaze shoot to him. I did? That surprised me. There was no reason I should be. Elliott and I didn’t love each other, and we were only dating to pass the time.

“He’s fun to be around,” I replied because that was the truth. “And his mom cooked with me. She’s been texting me all week. It’s nice.” The second I said it, I wished I could take the words back. Dad looked away and began fiddling with the grill again. “I didn’t mean anything by that. I hope I didn’t make you sad.”

“You shouldn’t have to worry about that.”

“Why not? A little kindness goes a long way. We should all worry about how we make others feel.”

“I’m your dad. You shouldn’t have to protect my feelings, and you didn’t make me feel sad. I just…wish she was here tonight, is all. I feel better most of the time. I’ll always miss her, but I don’t sit around thinking about her all day every day. Then things like this happen, and I wish she could see it. She would have wanted to do with Elliott the things his mom is doing with you. We both know I’m not great about that stuff myself. It’s just not how I’m built, but you don’t have to feel guilty because you get it somewhere else. You deserve it. I…”