“Yes, Professor Anthony.” The vein in his jaw jumped. “I wanted to say that I really connected with this week’s prompt. Write about the person you believe you are at your core. My true self,” I said. “It got me thinking.”

“Glad to hear it.” His gaze didn’t venture a centimeter in my direction.

“I didn’t phone this one in, sir. I know you’ll like it. It’s a pass for sure.”

“Wonderful, Luna. I’m excited to read it.” He turned his back, facing the whiteboard. Flashing his hard, round ass was hardly a stinging dismissal. “Take your seat. We’re about to begin.”

I went back, flashing Victor another middle finger on the way. He winked and blew me a kiss in return.

Professor Anthony began the lesson on the tenets of a proper literary technique. It was all prep to help us with our papers since they were worth twenty-five percent of our grade.

“All right, class. I hope this won’t be another painful lesson on doing the supplemental reading,” Adonis announced. “Books and binders away. Quiz time.”

This got a few groans, but only a few. After weeks of this, we were used to it.

“Rose, do you mind?”

Rose handed out the quiz sheets and the room fell quiet. I snuck glances at Adonis while I worked.

Like I said, we’d been doing this for weeks. I knew he liked to use class downtime to read our papers. Mine was near the top, so it was only a matter of time before—

Adonis’s brows bolted to his hairline. He snapped to me and saw nothing close to remorse in my eyes. The opening line of my paper read:

Who I am at my core is a dirty, cum-hungry slut who will do whatever you ask, whenever you ask, and in whichever position you like.

It did not get more school-appropriate from there.

Just so there wasn’t any confusion, I shared in great details many of the things I wanted him to do to me. He must’ve gotten to the part where I suck his cock under his desk while he’s teaching, because he glanced down as if measuring if I could fit.

Suddenly, my paper was shoved to the bottom of the pile and a harsh look was shoved my way. I knew what I was doing to him. I didn’t feel bad for a second. There was something between us. Something real. It was only right that we explore it since I was likely going to kill his brother anyway.

Class finished thirty minutes later. Adonis was up and off with the first wave of students that left the room. He wasn’t risking me cornering him and climbing on his desk again. Smart thinking because I was absolutely going to.

With one brother out of my reach, I went after the other one.

“Victor, wait.”

He didn’t stop or turn around. “Unless you’re down on one knee, I’ve got a class to get to.”

“Dammit, Victor. What does that even mean that you want me to propose to you? I want to marry you. I torpedoed my relationship with my mother to marry you. So yeah, I sabotaged a relationship, but it wasn’t ours.”

Victor halted at the entrance, but didn’t face me.

“I said I wanted us to start over. We went on that date and had a good time before our clothes came off. Things were going well before that ridiculous fight,” I said. “I don’t know what else you want from me.”

“You really don’t, do you.” That odd note was back in his voice, quieting me. “If you really don’t get this, Luna, then there’s nothing more you want from me either.

“I’ve got class.” He took off.

I stood there, feeling more mixed up than ever.

I DARE YOU TO LEAVE Wesley A Little Surprise.

Dare: Accepted

Dare: Accepted

Dare: Accepted

That night, I waited at the fountain for Wilder, overdressed for the autumn weather. Slinky black boots; tight jeans; lace panties; sheer tank top; soft blouse; cashmere vest, and a faux leather jacket.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure Wilder would come. I had him at the part where we met out in the open and arrived separately. I lost him at the part where I took him blindfolded to our date spot, fed him food he didn’t make himself, and didn’t allow him control over one single aspect of our night.

I wouldn’t be surprised if instead of meeting me, he was holed up in his room, doing another deep background check on me to prove I was a North Korean spy, finally making my move to take him out.


Wilder climbed the slope, perfect in a pair of dark jeans and a white tee. I tried to keep the smile off my face and failed.

“Go ahead. Be smug.” He held out his hand. “You said you had ways of making me do what you wanted. Challenge lost.”

“We’ll call this a draw,” I said, laughing. “No one could’ve resisted.”