“I can’t w—”

“Fuck, this place has gone downhill.”

Hairs rose on the back of my neck.

“Once they start letting the freaks in, it’s time to eat somewhere else.”

Stiffly, I turned my neck, landing on Owen, Levi, and Wesley passing by the tapestry. These guys had become quite the trio since Ashton’s and Giovanni’s deaths.

As if they think there’s safety in numbers.

“We should eat somewhere else,” Iris chimed in. Owen did not speak quietly. “Dregs have left their ooze all over our town. If they’re invading this place too, I’m out.”

“Why should we leave?” asked someone I didn’t even know. “Those two can get the fuck out and catch up with the cosplay tour that left them behind.”

“Good idea, Devin,” Levi said, smirking away. I tensed as he loped over to us. “You heard him. Take your shit and get—”

Lucien palmed his cane. Without a change in expression or a pause between breaths, he flipped and stabbed the walking stick in Levi’s stomach.

“Argh!” Levi dropped, wheezing and clutching his abdomen.


“What did you do?!”

Wesley and Owen rushed their fallen friend. I could only gape at all of them.

“Am I one of these oozing Dregs?” Lucien rose from his seat. Silence fell so fast and quick, I thought my ears popped. “Are one of you going to make me leave?” he asked Owen, Wesley, and the shuddering heap on the floor. He twirled his cane over his fingers. “I would truly love to see you try.”

Neither one of them moved.

Lucien grinned—flashing unnaturally long, glittering canines. “Every few months, you all need a reminder of who you challenge and who you don’t. If anyone would like to be an enemy of the Rogues, drop the show and just say so.”

Eyes ping-ponged off of him, suddenly focused on their food, phones, or dates.

A Rogue was not a Royal, but they were also not a Dreg. There were some enemies you just didn’t make... and the martial arts master of a mob family who really liked the sight of blood was one of them.

Lucien’s smile shifted. “Now, you,” he snarled, glaring down at the three. “You’ll have some manners when you’re addressing Luna, or I’ll teach them to you. Apologize to her for disturbing our date.”

“Fuck you,” Wesley bit out. “I’m not going to—”

Lucien whipped the cane across his face, snapping his head around. Wesley crashed to the floor, his skull bouncing off the hardwood.

“S-sorry. I’m sorry.”

“Better,” Lucien said. He leveled the cane between Owen’s eyes. “Who’s next?”

“Whoa. Easy, man.” I knew the last time Lucien and the Rogues beat his ass was going through his head. “We were just messing around. Sorry, okay.” He picked up Wesley and half-dragged him to the table furthest from us.

Levi slowly got his knees under him and stood up. Glare hard, he looked in Lucien’s eyes, and spat at his feet.

“You think because you beat me once that you’re untouchable.” Levi’s voice carried only to our eyes. I bared my teeth when I realized he was talking about the night he tried to burn the Rogues alive. “But you’re going to get what’s coming to you, Calais. People who piss me off always do. It’s only a matter of time.”

Of all things, Lucien smirked. “I like to move around in the dark too, Thompkins. But the difference between me and you? My victims don’t get away.”

“Just wait.”

“Not too long,” I said, nibbling on my cookie. I flashed Levi a sweet smile that went nowhere near my eyes. “You don’t have much time. Unless I find out what I want to know, you’re lucky to make it to the end of this... sentence.”

Levi backed away. For a lifetime, I’d never unsee the swirling depths of those eyes, and the emptiness within them. “Just wait.”

Levi joined his table in time for our waiter to return. I felt their eyes on us throughout the meal. Wesley nursed his swollen cheek while talking to the others in low tones.

I knew they didn’t take me or my threats seriously. Lucien’s—yes. But mine? I was all talk until I proved myself an enemy worth taking seriously, instead of one trying to look tough by sleeping with the enemies that are.

That’s perfectly fair. I contentedly cut my steak into smaller bites. If they wanted me to step up and prove Sinclairs aren’t to be messed with, I’m more than happy to. Those three will sit in hell, regretting the day they ever heard the words truth or dare.

Sliding off them, I focused on a much more handsome and appealing sight. “Lucien, can I ask you something?”


“Why don’t you guys ever talk about your families? Sure, Rafael told me what happened to his mom and a little about his dad’s history, but otherwise, I don’t know anything about your family, and Wilder still won’t give a straight answer on if he was birthed by man or grown in a laboratory.”