“I’m sure she knows, Luna.” Victor looked away. “But if she does feel like she lost you, it’s because of me. She wanted to end the engagement and I told you to scare her straight.” His jaw clenched. “I guess I’m not that different from my parents after all.”

“Don’t say that. It was my choice in the end. I think even the coolest of parents struggle when their kid starts making their own choices. Especially when it’s the opposite choice they want them to make.”

Victor picked up the bottle to pour us more champagne. “Is staying in Regalia U worth all this? Worth marrying me?”

“It is one of the best schools in the country.”

He held my gaze steadily. “Not to you.”

It was my turn to look away. “I won’t be chased out of my home or school. Someone has to teach the Royals that they don’t always win. They will some of the time, maybe even most of the time. But when it comes to me, they already lost.”

“That’s why you’re with the Rogues.” An odd note entered his voice. “They have no love or loyalty to the Royals. They’ll take anyone out for the right price. And now that they have you—”

“You have me too,” I sliced in. I couldn’t have him follow that thought somewhere dangerous. I didn’t know what Victor would think of my vendetta against the Royals, the T.O.D. Club, and everything this town was built on. But I did know I wouldn’t let him stand in my way. Better not to put him in that position in the first place. “Or you could. You just have to tell me what you want, Victor.”

I took a small sip of champagne to delay the question.

“Can you accept sharing me with the Rogues?” Adonis floated through my mind, and left pressure in my core on his way out. “Or with other guys?”

“I’m thinking about it, Luna.” He gazed somewhere off over the horizon. “They’re your boyfriends, but I’ll be your husband. You’ll move into my home. You’ll take your place beside me as industry leaders in the country. You’ll carry the children that carry on the Wilson legacy. We’ll sit on top of an empire together. Asking me to scoot down a little to squeeze in four guys with reputations black as sin, isn’t an easy decision.”

“But it’s a decision you already made, and we both know it.” I got up and stood in front of him, making him look me in the eye. “No guy on the planet needs to sit around and mull over if he wants to share his wife’s pussy.”

He looked at me through hooded eyes.

“You made up your mind the minute I asked you, but you’re not telling me your answer because it’ll change things between us. Good or bad—something will change.” I dropped to my knees, placing my hands on his thighs. “Don’t you think it’s time you told me? It’s better to move on knowing where we stand.”

“I don’t know what you think I have to tell you, but I haven’t decided anything yet.” He tipped my chin. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t say it now. It could end us before we start. Or it could seal us in a promise we don’t know if we want to make to each other. Right now we’re not friends or lovers. We should figure out if we’re one, the other, or both before I give you an answer that might change.”

I nodded slowly, accepting this. Victor had a point. If in the end we decided we were just friends, then an open relationship wasn’t a problem. But if he had feelings for me and decided he couldn’t share...

I shouldn’t force him to give me an answer I may not want to hear. I traced his face. Even though I know he’s made up his mind.

“How do we figure it out?” I asked. “Friends or lovers. We’ve known each other for months. That’s not a question people take this long to answer either.”

“Well, we haven’t been friends because you’re the most stubborn, sarcastic person on the planet who holds a grudge like no one’s business.”

“Yes, and you’re an ass.”

He barked a laugh. “And we haven’t become lovers because...” Victor trailed off, smiling knowingly. “That gives me an idea actually. Wow. Why didn’t I think of this before?”

“Think of what?”

“We should have sex,” he dropped. “Today. Right here. Right now.”

I blinked at him, waiting for the words I imagined I heard to become what he really said. “Excuse me?”

“We should have sex.”

He said it again, so I didn’t imagine it.

“It makes sense,” he continued. “Like you said, no one needs this much time to decide if they’re into each other. So much shit has gotten in our way that it’s messing everything up. You’re hot. I’m hot. You’re into my body, and I want to crawl inside that dress and die there. Fuck knows it’s gotta be the happiest place on earth.”