Adonis rose from his seat.
“Tell me of a time your fundamental beliefs were questioned. How did you react and what did you learn?”
He stepped around the desk.
“I don’t know that I have any beliefs so firm that it’d be some big story if one was questioned. I’m pretty open to learning all that I can from everyone and— Ah!”
The classroom spun in a kaleidoscope of beige, white, and more beige. I gasped as I landed on my back, spread out on Professor Anthony’s desk. He planted his hands on either side of my head—trapping me, pinning me, covering me, protecting me.
My heaving chest pressed against his as he leaned over, furious eyes swirling with so much more.
“What are you trying to do to me?”
I smiled. “Pretty sure it’s about what I’m trying to get you to do to me.”
“Damn, Professor Anthony,” I whispered, arching my body and pressing up against a prize. “You’re still so hard.”
His growl so reminded me of Cato, wetness pooled in my middle.
“I’m sorry, but you left me no choice,” I said. “I knew you’d be difficult about this, and I already told you that I’m not giving up on us. So from now on, I’m going to give you incentives to change your mind.”
“You can’t do things like this in my classroom for everyone to see.” He grabbed my wrists and pinned them over my head. Couldn’t blame them, they were inching toward my ribbons again. “Are you trying to get us caught?”
“Course not. I’ll be careful. Although...” My legs were very free. My thigh brushed what my hands couldn’t reach. “You wouldn’t be so hard right now if me doing it in the middle of your class where anyone could see didn’t turn you on. Don’t pretend to be this good, upstanding guy, Professor Anthony.” His cock twitched. “We’re both past that now.”
“Argh!” He dove down, lips seeking mine, and halted. His heat washed over me—lips brushing so close but not close enough. The battle raged in his eyes, but need spread through his body. He rocked back on my thigh, grinding his cock on me.
Groans escaped our lips.
“No. No!” Adonis flung away, releasing me. “We can’t do this. Luna, you have to go.” He dug the heel of his palm into his crotch and looked to the clock. “Shit! Go now. You can’t be here.”
I realized immediately why he was trying to get rid of me. “No, I don’t have to go. Let me help you take care of that.” I got on my hands and knees, stalking toward him. “We don’t have to touch each other.”
“Are you kidding me?” he hissed, shooting a look at the door. “I have another class in fifteen minutes.”
I hung off the edge of his desk, letting my legs fall open. His breath hitched when I tugged my thong aside. “Then, we’d better be quick.”
His eyes darted back and forth from me to the entrance. The battle raged on his face for a millennium, then the winner finally kicked the other’s ass. He freed himself with impressive quickness. “Take them out and lean back.”
I didn’t have to ask what he meant. My boobs sprang free of their ribbon-less pen. Stretching out before him, I slid two fingers inside me and set a furious pace—palm slap, slap, slapping against my clit. No foreplay. No messing around. We didn’t have time before the classroom filled with students, and if any one of them wandered in early, we were screwed.
Ripples went up my spine at the thought of someone walking in on us. It both terrified and thrilled me. The danger laced through our relationship was a drug pushing me to do things I wouldn’t have dreamed in a million years.
I understood my mother and father—whoever he may be—a lot more all of a sudden. Of course they couldn’t resist the forbidden relationship that created me and Winter. There was something about a man you couldn’t be with that made you want him more than air.
Adonis leaned over me, cock strangled in his fist. He started pumping fast and furious, his meat missile aimed and loaded at my entrance. All he had to do was take two steps and he’d be pumping where he belonged instead of in his hand.
Imagining that quickened my pace. I could almost feel him inside me—stretching my walls. Pounding that spot. Slapping the back of my legs with his hard and muscled thighs.
“Ahh,” I cried, back arching off the desk.
“Three fingers,” Adonis grunted. “Spread that pussy.”
“Yes, Professor Anthony.”
“Dammit, Luna,” he growled.
I grinned unashamedly. I knew it made him feel dirty when I called him Professor when his pants were down. I also knew he hadn’t told me to stop.
Filling my newly de-virginized hole with three fingers, I whimpered from the heady mix of pain and pleasure. I cupped my breast and brought it to my lips. Holding his gaze, I licked my nipple. It still tasted sweet from the candy.