He lifted his shoulders. “I thought it wouldn’t be that way for me and my wife. I’d pick someone who was a true match for me without lovesickness blinding me. We’d have things in common. We’d do stuff together and actually have a good time. Instead of one of us standing in a corner with a fake smile, pretending we’re having fun. I thought we’d stay up all night talking about our favorite books and movies. I guess I believed I would... marry the woman who’d become my best friend.”
“Instead you got me.”
Victor chuckled. “Could still be you. Quick. Don’t think, just answer. Iron Man or Captain America?”
“Iron Man.”
“Singing or dancing?”
“Dancing,” I shot back. “My voice makes children cry.”
He cracked up. “An island or the city?”
“Oooh, an island for sure. Private island would be even better.”
“Agreed,” he said. “Share your food or defend your plate?”
“Defend my plate! I can’t stand creeping forks coming for my food. Get your own.”
Victor threw up his hands. “Tell me about it. What is it with dates that order the boring, tasteless, polite meal only to sweet-talk me into giving them mine? Get the chili onion steak burrito,” he cried. “Because I’m not giving you mine.”
I laughed so hard, I wheezed. “Well, if not sharing food is the basis for a good marriage, we’re set.”
He smiled. “Lucky us.”
We gazed at each other... for too long. I quickly looked away, taking a deep gulp of my hot chocolate. You are not into a guy who is so full of himself, he thinks a wink and kiss will make you forget the four men you’re falling for.
I’ll prove that to both of us.
“Do I get some questions?” I asked.
“Sure. What do you got?”
“Hmm. Breakfast or dinner?”
“Breakfast,” he replied without skipping a beat. “Ever notice how all your best days start off with pancakes?”
I started, surprised. Chocolate chip pancakes were my favorite food—period. Did he know that? He couldn’t know that.
“Big family or small family?”
“Big family. Lots of kids,” he said. “Growing up, I never knew who my real friends were, but I always had Don.”
“I always had Winter.” It was out of my mouth before I could stop it. “My best friend.”
Victor turned his palm up, lacing his fingers through mine. I didn’t look down. If I pretended it wasn’t happening, I couldn’t stop myself from tracing the lines on the palm of his hand.
Heat collecting between my breasts, I found my tongue again. “Oh, um.” I fell into his gaze. “Me... or a best friend?”
Victor smiled. “I’ll let you know.”
I didn’t need to see my cheeks to know they were tinged pink. “We’re getting dangerously close to a sweet moment.” I dropped his hand. “Since we’re both up, let’s watch a movie. Wilder’s collection is insane.”
He swept out a hand for me to go ahead. “After you.”
I relaxed as we watched Sherlock Holmes, and then struck up a game of playing detective. I made assumptions about people based on the things I observed, and since Victor actually knew them, he told me if I was right or wrong.
A harmless game without an ounce of sexual tension, but I’d never been so highly aware of a person. Of his knee two inches from mine. Of the arm not touching me but draped behind me on the couch.
I studied him while he guessed things about the Rogues. I never denied Victor was handsome, but I did deny loudly and often that he was my type. What would happen between us since there was every chance this wedding would go ahead? Would he accept that I didn’t want to let go of the Rogues? Would he ask me to be okay with him sleeping with other women?
Irritation flared hot and acrid at the thought. I could already see Everleigh wrapping herself around him like a boa constrictor.
I’d cut that fork-tongue bitch in two.
I audibly sighed, dropping my head back. I could tell right off that my double standards were going to cause problems.
“What’s up? You okay?”
“I’m fine. It’s just... I know we need to have a serious conversation about us, but I’m not up for it tonight.”
He shrugged. “No one said we had to have it tonight. You know, I’ve actually been thinking that what you said before was right.” He lifted his leg onto the couch, turning to face me. Our knees brushed and I jerked, shocked by the stinging electricity that zipped up my thigh.
What the hell is going on? You’re allowed to think he’s attractive, but you’re not allowed to react like a swooning maiden from an accidental touch. His arrogant ass would sniff that out in a second, and there can’t be an us unless there’s a we.
“We should start at the beginning and date like we would’ve if we were a normal couple.” He gestured with his chin. “I don’t want that ring to become your noose either. We should figure out now if we can have something friendly, or if we’ll be splitting Wilson Manor down the middle.”