“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Save it. Like I said, Giovanni told me the truth.” I lifted my shoulders. “When the police come, I’ll tell them exactly what he said to me and they’ll agree I had no reason to hurt the guy. They’ll also laugh at the idea that I could blow up a car.” I laughed. “Me? Where would I even get my hands on the stuff to do it?
“But you,” I whispered, “with your millions and a pesky little attempted murder that you keep lying about. You’ve got reason to blow up a car to sell that someone else was out there. You’ve got motive to keep Giovanni quiet. You’ve got reason to threaten me with prison if I don’t let you destroy evidence.”
She jerked. “That’s not what I’m—”
“That’s exactly what you’re doing, so call the police, Gabriella. I’m waiting.”
Her whole body trembled. Backing away, she looked from me to her phone. Leon Dumont’s words roared in my mind again.
“You said yourself that she wouldn’t go through hell to protect some Royal’s secret. She would do it for you. To protect you. How could this war of yours be what she wanted?”
This war isn’t what Winter wanted. She suffered to protect me... but that isn’t what I wanted either.
Standing there as the rancid monster who said my sister’s torment was hilarious, was shaking like a puppy who peed on the rug. This is what I wanted.
Maybe it was selfish. Maybe it went against Winter’s last wish. But if I let them get away with what they did to her, I’d regret it for the rest of my life. Just like Winter wouldn’t have forgiven herself if something happened to our family.
Sometimes sisters do things for each other that they don’t agree with, but that’s loving each other.
That’s being an adult.
Rafael and Cato may never forgive their father for not helping them find their mother’s killer, but he was protecting his sons. Some things you have to do.
Knock. Knock.
Gabriella nearly dropped her phone.
“What are you guys doing in there?” Saylor called. “Get out.”
“What’s it going to be?” I asked. “You calling the cops or what?”
Saylor banged on the door.
“Delete them,” Gabriella hissed. “Delete the photos.”
“I could do that, but what’s in it for me?”
Her eyes bugged. “In it for you? What do you want?”
“Open the door,” Katie joined in.
“What I’ve always wanted. The truth.”
“I don’t know anything!”
I tsked. “Come now. Don’t underestimate yourself. I’m sure you know plenty. Meet me tomorrow at Grover’s bench. Lunchtime. You’ll tell me everything you know, and I’ll delete the photos in front of you.”
She threw out her hand, stopping me leaving. “How do I know there aren’t more? You said someone sent those to you.”
“Someone sent out those truth lists, bombed Giovanni’s car, stole his money, and nearly got him expelled. He had an enemy and no one is trying to incriminate themselves by flashing the attacker’s creepshots. Anyone else who has them is pretending they don’t. I, on the other hand, am happy to take my chances. The cops already know it wasn’t me.”
“Gabby! Luna! Open the door.”
I shoved her hand away. “Grover’s bench. Will you be there or not?”
“I...” She gritted her teeth. “I’ll be there.”
I threw open the door. Gabriella breezed past me.
“What’s everyone shouting about?” she said. “I was just helping her clean up. We’re good here. Right, Luna?”
I beamed. “Right.”
Katie and Saylor looked us both up and down. Katie held concern for me. Saylor looked like I was the nastiest thing she’d ever seen with a side of suspicion.
“The movie is over,” Katie said. She passed me a spare set of pajamas. “You pick the next one, Luna.”
“Okay. I’ll be right out.”
I changed and returned to the sleepover. The ladies had moved on from their hands to their toes. They huddled on the bed, laughing and ignoring my pick of movie, Pretty Woman.
Gabriella pointedly ignored me when I retook my seat.
Rafael: What’s going on over there? Are you okay?
Me: I’m fine. What do you think they’re going to do to me?
Rafael: I’m more concerned about what you’re going to do to them.
I eyed Saylor.
Me: So very much.
“Oh my goodness, Piper.” I took her hand. “This color is so cute on you. It’ll look great with your green dress.”
She beamed. “I was just thinking the same— Wait. Get off me.”
She snatched her hand back, but the damage was done. Saylor’s face was red and pinched like a smacked bottom.
Me: Does your father really have an age cutoff for the jobs he takes?
Rafael: Yeah. Why?
Me: Makes me feel slightly better to know the Phantom can’t hire him to get rid of me. But only slightly. We all know they’re happy to let the TOD club do their dirty work.
Rafael: Who told you Pops has a cutoff?
I truly did not know how this news would go over, but I wasn’t going to hide it.